This Ain't LA But We Like To Party

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*Time Jump- November 2020; Olivia is doing pretty well, no relapses, 4 weeks sober and doing well in therapy. California Heights University in the Bay Area is hosting a "live like a freshman" weekend for prospective students and Olivia, Spencer, Jordan, and Simone, decided to go together. It's about a 45 min drive so they all get in an suv and head to a very defining trip for all of them.*

Jordan yells to the rest of crew as he puts his bag in the trunk. "Guys come on we need to get on the road. Y'all taking too long! Spencer go get the girls!" Spencer chuckles "chill man we're going to make it. I'll go get them." Spencer walks into the house and sees the girls coming down with their bags. Olivia is dressed to kill and Spencer tried to sneak in a look but he's not good at hiding his eyes. Olivia catches him looking her up and down like a snack and she says " and hello to you too Spence." Spencer caught off guard says "hey, come on y'all we gotta head on the road for this college weekend. You know Jordan anxious so we def gotta head out before his head explodes." Simone chimes in "whew I swear if I didn't love that man, he seriously needs a chill pill."

Olivia nods, "honestly I can't blame him this time around. We've both been grounded a while so we are definitely ready to leave." Simone sighs "yeah it's nice to see him after so long, we have some things to catch up on and talk about." Spencer cuts in, " alright alright let's go have some fun then." They start packing the bags in the car and the cooler with snacks and drinks. Jordan decides to drive and the girls hurry and jump in the back. Spencer laughs "aight' I guess I'm riding shotgun."

—Road to CHU—

The drive is mostly freeway, so they have time to kill. Simone decided they should play would you rather.

"Would you rather be married to your high school sweetheart or the hottest person alive?" Jordan chimes in "definitely the hottest person alive, that's you baby" Simone blushes "aww that was cute baby! Same and look we did get married even if it's over now." Jordan's smile quickly fades as he remembers his mom getting the annulment.

Spencer chooses the next question. "Would you rather fall in love or be rich?" Jordan and Simone say simultaneously "fall in love" Olivia chimes in "okay you two we get it!" Spencer laughs "I choose being rich!" they all stare at him. "Just playing you know I wanna fall in love!" Olivia smiles knowing that he already told her he loves her, and is in love with her. She's hoping they will fall deeply in love once they have a chance to get together.

Simone changes the questions "alright enough love stuff. Would you rather replay one day of your life forever, or know how your life is going to play out ?" Olivia thinks on it, " I think I'd like to know how my life is going to end up. What did I do? Did I have fun, did I make a difference.... yea def know the future." Spencer says "I'd replay a day for sure." Jordan smirks "you're not gonna tell us which day?" Spencer says "nope just know it was dope though."

They pull up to CHU and are greeted by student admission ambassadors. "Hey guys! Welcome we're going to check you in here at the car and then you guys can pull into that parking lot and head to the tigers auditorium" they all get checked in on each alphabetical list and get their wristbands and head to the Tiger's auditorium.

The Dean of students quiets the students with his megaphone, it's about 200 prospective students in the auditorium. "Helloooooooooooo future tigers!!! Welcome to California Heights University! If you're excited to be in the Bay Area this weekend let me hear some noise." The students are low as they say "woo" the Dean of students pauses "I know you guys can do better than that who's ready to have some fun??" The students get louder "WOOOO." "That's better, first on the agenda is to get you guys room assignments for the Weekend, and then it's off to tour the campus." The student ambassadors will hand you your packets with room assignments and map of campus. Let's meet back here at 9pm tonight for karaoke and pizza!!

Jordan and Spencer have a room together and they are sharing a suite with two football players from another school, Josh and Jeremy. Spencer introduces himself "what's up, I'm Spencer and this is my boy Jordan." They all dap hands. "What's up I'm Josh, and this is Jeremy. We both play football at San Diego high. I'm at the Tight end position and Jeremy is a running back." Jordan excitedly says "dope! I'm QB at Beverly High and Spence...." Jeremy cuts in "Spencer James, All American wide receiver now currently playing for Crenshaw, yeah we know we keep an eye on all the hot teams! There's an awkward silence for a minute then Jeremy says "it's good to meet you guys! Y'all ready to get into some festivities tonight?" Spencer says "I mean I guess, I don't sing so idk about this karaoke, but I could be down for some pizza." Josh laughs "guys that's just the pre party stuff, my brother Bryan goes here. He got us the hookup. There's a frat party happening at about 11 tonight then they got us passes to Club X, it's college night." Jordan and Spencer look at each other. Jordan goes "bet!"

Spencer is in agreement until he remembers the girls. "Jordan what about Simone and Olivia." Josh goes "who's that your sisters?" Spencer goes "nah man, Simone is his girl and Liv and I well... let's just say we all came together." Josh sends out a text "ahh, no worries I'll see if my brother can get two more passes. I'll have to drop them off to the girls though." Jordan says "cool, don't get any ideas though." Josh says "hey, I got my eyes on some college hotties tonight, it's senior year I'm done with high school girls." Jeremy laughs, " he's just saying that because he can't pull any girls at our school." They all laugh and head out for the tour.

Simone and Olivia share a room and also share a suite. Two twins Lauri and Lauren are already getting settled into their room as they knock on the bathroom door that separates their rooms. Olivia opens the door. Lauri goes "hey girl I'm Lauri how are you?" Lauren in the background says "and I'm Lauren excuse my sister." Olivia waves "Hey I'm Olivia and this is my friend Simone." Simone all bubbly "hey ladies! Y'all ready to hit this "party" at the auditorium?" Lauren says " we can hit it up for sure but I definitely wanna hit up Club X tonight." Olivia says "Club X?" Lauren says " yeah girl it's college night college students get in free. All we have to do is look the part and we can get in :)" Simone "good thing we always come prepared." Olivia shakes her head as she thinks of Simone this morning telling her to bring a black dress.

—To Be Continued—

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