Chapter 35: A Happy Ending?

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Jijin didn't return until midnight. And even then, he had to rouse Eun Sook. She had fallen asleep waiting for him as she watched the moon rise higher in the sky. He undressed hurriedly and crawled into bed next to her. He reached for her and bent to kiss her awake.

Very slowly, she came to herself and returned his kiss with passion. But after a moment, she drew back.

"Jijin!" she gasped as she opened her eyes to the heavy darkness surrounding them. "What time is it? Did you just now return?"

"Yes, my love," he sighed. "I beg your pardon. Today was exhausting."

"I guess! You've been gone since sunup."

"Mmm. That must be why I'm so tired." He snuggled into her side, drawing her close to him. "Now. Tell me the rest of the story. I've been on the edge of my seat all day. Wondering what's going to happen."

She giggled. "You have not. You've had much more important matters occupying your mind today."

"Come on," he begged. "I want to hear it!"

She smiled at her beloved husband. "All right. Relax. And I shall tell you some more....

"'Father, I told you,' Su Bin exclaimed as tears slid down her face, 'I have no desire to marry Han Cheol!'

"'The man supported the king,' her father sought to reassure her. 'You needn't worry about marrying him now.'

"'But, Father, I told you that I love another.'

"'Aye. Another whom you will not name. Can you name him now?' he studied her closely.

"She could not. For Yong Joon had not contacted her since he had been crowned king. And it had been several weeks. She was beginning to lose heart now. Especially after he'd ignored her in her own sitting room. At the time, she'd thought perhaps he was just trying to maintain their cover. But, surely, after three weeks as king, he could have made some move to, at least, communicate with her by now.

"'Don your wedding garments. Right now,' her stepfather barked at her. But when he saw her face crumple, he responded softly, 'It'll be all right. You'll see. I have promised you so. But you must get ready now. And clean your face. Believe me: when you're standing before your groom, you're going to regret those tearstains.'

"The only thing she regretted was falling in love with the king. And being promised to another man.

"She simply stared at her stepfather. Disbelieving. 'You're truly going to make me marry him?'

"'I think, Su Bin, that when you're standing before him, you will choose to marry him. You won't be given a better choice than this one.'

"She shook her head. 'You're wrong. I will never marry him! I would be forsaking my own heart.'

"He smiled sweetly at her. 'Nevertheless, get ready. We don't want to keep your groom waiting. The wedding is in an hour.'

"He left her then, and she burst into tears again. Her mother found her lying prone on her bed a few minutes later.

"'Darling, get up! Your wedding is in less than an hour! We have just a few minutes to get you ready.' She examined her daughter's tear-streaked face. 'Oh! Your complexion is a disaster! Stop crying!'

"In an undertone, she hissed, 'You are a princess, for heaven's sake! You must look beautiful on your wedding day!'

"'There's no problem, Eomma. Because I am not getting married today.'

"Her mother sighed. 'Please, Su Bin, just calm down, wash your face, and get dressed. If, when you're standing before your groom, you still don't want to go through with the wedding, I will support your choice.'

The Mercenary: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #2Where stories live. Discover now