Chapter 31: All's Not Well Even If the End Isn't Near

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Eun Sook awoke to her husband's lips gliding along the sleek skin of her bare shoulder. She giggled. Then he did something to draw a moan from her lips. After another delightful interlude, he leaned his head against his pillow and smiled at her.

"I need more of the story." He grimaced. "I fell asleep before you could tell me the whole thing."

"Indeed," she smiled. "I noticed."

"So...tell away...."

"Don't you need to attend to your kingly duties?"

He groaned. "No," he replied firmly. "Not yet. What I need is more of Yong Joon's story."

"Ah, and here I thought that it was Su Bin's story."

"Did you?" He quirked a dark eyebrow at her.

She nodded.

"No, I can assure you that it is Yong Joon's story."

"Hmm. is...both," she compromised, flashing her pretty grin at him again.

He laughed. "All right. I concede."

"Excellent. Now I may continue my story....

"Su Bin waited impatiently for several days to pass. She was on tenterhooks the whole time. She knew that Yong Joon's plan depended on the support of the hwarang. But he'd been uncertain whether they would all support him. However, when the moment of truth came, each and every single one of his brothers-in-arms pledged their allegiance to him.

"A few days prior to that moment, Yong Joon walked into the throne room and announced to both his mother and the royal council that he was the true king. The next day, he surprised Su Bin by walking into her house. To meet with her father.

"She glanced up, startled, when the young king's presence was announced by one of her father's servants. She had been enjoying tea with her parents in their sitting room when the young man was ushered ceremoniously into the room.

"'My lord, the king!' declared the trembling servant.

"Lord Kim Beom Su smiled and jumped to his feet to bow to the king.

"Perplexed, Su Bin stared at her father. He didn't seem in the least surprised to see the king filling up his sitting room with his royal presence. He bowed to the young man. Then he invited him back to his private rooms. Yong Joon didn't even glance her way.

"Later that evening, she approached her father.

"'Appa, there is something I do not understand. Han Cheol's father does not support the king. You have arranged an alliance for me with Han Cheol. Yet today you met with the king.' She frowned at him in confusion. And distress.

"'Have I announced any such engagement to the world?' he queried.

"When she still appeared puzzled, he smiled at her and responded mysteriously, 'Do not worry about it. Everything will soon be resolved.'

"She walked away from that conversation even more distressed. And still quite perplexed.

"But the next day, he disturbed her weeping in her room.

"'Su Bin, why are you crying?' he asked softly as he approached her bed.

"'It's nothing, Father.'

"'It isn't nothing. Tell me. Immediately. Perhaps I can help you.'

"'You're the only one who can help me!' she gasped as she sat straight up.

"He stared at her.

"But she remained silent.

"Exasperated, he finally prodded her. 'Well?'

"'I am in love with another man! I have no wish to marry Han Cheol!'

"Shocked, he gaped at her. 'Who?'

"'I cannot tell you. Not yet anyway,' she responded mysteriously.

"'How am I supposed to help you if you won't even tell me your beau's name?'

"She groaned and flopped down to hide her face in her pillow. 'Just give me a few days!' she gasped. Her voice muffled by her pillow.

"'A few days?!' he exclaimed.

"But he could get nothing further from her, so he left her alone.

"The important day finally arrived, and Yong Joon was crowned king. Su Bin's father stepped forward and supplied him with testimony against the members of the council who had been plotting to usurp his throne. Among whom was her fiancé's father. Yet that noble young man, Han Cheol, had sided with his friend, Yong Joon. Apparently, his father had made plans without his consent.

"And the chosen heir of the scheming ministers, a fellow hwarang of the king's, had sided with Yong Joon. Leaving the traitorous council members without a viable candidate for the throne. They were rounded up and tossed into the prison. After the queen dowager peacefully abdicated. And Yong Jong received his crown. With the full support of the council. The few remaining members who opposed his ascent kept their opinions to themselves.

"Very quickly, King Yong Joon worked to enact changes that would return justice to his land. He worked faithfully – and speedily – to establish his reforms because he knew that Su Bin didn't have long to wait. At the end of his first week as crowned ruler, he made a visit to her house. And asked to speak with her father. But when he entered the room in which she was sitting with the older man, Yong Joon didn't even glance her way. He bowed towards both of them in a general manner before asking to speak with Lord Kim Beom Su alone. Then he disappeared through a doorway without a backward glance as he followed her stepfather to his private chambers.

"Leaving behind one confused – and forlorn – young lady.

"She hadn't heard from him in the two weeks since."

"Surely, he hasn't forsaken her!" Jijin demanded crossly as he sat straight up in the bed and stared down at his beloved's bland face.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you. I would ruin the story if I passed out spoilers like that," Eun Sook declared loftily. "Now, do you want to hear anymore? Or not?"

"I do," the king sighed, "but I have to go. Duty awaits, my dear." He glanced down at her expectantly. "Save the rest for tonight. I will be back to hear it," he added with zest.

Then he bent his head and gave his wife another reason to giggle before he left to deal with the day's business.

The Mercenary: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #2Where stories live. Discover now