Chapter 18: Tempted

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He met her in front of the stables. Just as he'd promised. He was, in fact, waiting for her when she arrived. Both of their horses had already been readied. He helped her to mount before climbing aboard his own stallion. She glanced curiously at the basket strapped to the back of his saddle. But she didn't say anything.

"Is there a particularly nice spot where you like to sit and enjoy the sunshine?" he asked.

She nodded her head. "I'll show you. Come." And with a small kick of her heels, they were off. Flying away on the wings of a gentle breeze.

And Jong Su felt joy bubbling up from deep within him. He had seldom felt this emotion, so he wished to hold fast to it. He followed her with utter delight. Happy to be pursuing the princess. Hopefully, today he would catch her. Once and for all.

After a few minutes of peaceful riding, they came upon a field blooming with bright flowers. Jong Su jumped from his saddle as she slid from hers. But he was too fast for her, so he caught her at the last instant and helped her to land safely on the ground. She glanced up at him in surprise while secretly relishing his arms around her.

"I don't require your assistance," she rebuked him frostily.

"I know," he retorted cheerfully, a mischievous grin lighting up his face.

She glared up at him, and he abruptly released her to turn towards his saddle. So he missed the expression of dismay that crossed her face at the loss of his embrace. She quickly covered it with a frown.

He unlatched the basket and pulled a blanket off his horse's back. Then he turned towards her with a sweet smile. "I brought breakfast." He lifted the picnic basket in explanation.

Then he walked a few feet away and set the basket down before smoothing the blanket out on the ground. He lifted the basket and set it down on the blanket before inviting her to sit. Then he opened the basket and began to retrieve its contents to display the sumptuous fare which the palace chef had prepared for them this bright and sunny summer's day.

After the prince had set the dishes out on the blanket, he sat down across from her. He cleared his throat once they'd both settled themselves comfortably. Then he reached nervously into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment. Curiously, she glanced at him.

"What's that?" she queried.

He lifted his eyes to gaze at her. "Will you promise to be kind this time?"

Her face lit up suddenly. "Is it another poem?"

He tilted his head slightly up. As a smile spread slowly across his face. "I'll let you be the judge of that."

A beautiful trill of laughter escaped her lips then, and he felt as though she'd already rewarded him for his effort.

Her face full of light now, she asked him, "When did you write it?"

"When I couldn't sleep last night, you little minx," he grumbled affectionately, the smile in his eyes belying the grouchiness in his tone.

"I wish I were a poet," she murmured abruptly.

"What?" His brow clouded over in confusion. "Why?"

"Because then I would have something to do at night when you're keeping me awake too."

"I can think of something we could both do together," he uttered provocatively as his eyes caressed her and his eyebrows bounced up enthusiastically.

"Your highness!" she gasped by way of rebuke.

"Once you marry me, that is," he corrected himself with a chuckle.

She glared at him as she felt her cheeks blooming. Then she cast her gaze away from him across the field of wildflowers. And he was sorry to lose the enchantment of her lovely eyes.

He opened his parchment and began to recite.

"Oh, princess fair,

Without a care,

Tarry with me,

Please come kiss me."

He watched as the color staining her cheeks deepened. And her eyes returned to punish him for flirting so outrageously with her. The corners of his lips twitched upward in an unrepentant grin. How was he supposed to resist kissing the girl now that he'd tasted her sweetness?

But after a few compelling moments trapped in her narrowed gaze, his eyes escaped to peruse his poem once again.

"Please hold my hand.

I understand

If you are scared;

That's why you glared.

"But I promise,

Beautiful miss,

To hold you close

And love you most.

"To keep you here,

Always so near,

Within my heart.

We'll never part."

She stared at him. And wondered at herself. A few months ago, she would have deemed such poetry drab and ridiculous. And unnecessary. But now, instead, she sat wondering if he meant such words. And if he did, which actions would follow them?

He was also admitting to her that he could read her heart quite accurately. Which deepened her fear. How close to her heart was she willing to allow this man?

She'd turned her eyes away again. She was, he knew, hiding from him once more.

"Is it that bad?" he sighed. "I shall just toss it out then." He gave a flick of his wrist, and the parchment went flying to blanket a wildflower a few feet away.

His right eyebrow flew up in surprise when the princess jumped up suddenly as a small cry left her mouth. She scrambled off the blanket and into the field of blooms. And rescued the poem from its new perch. She examined it to make sure it was undamaged. Satisfied, she folded it carefully and slipped it into her pocket.

"Is it satisfactory then?" he queried curiously.

She glanced up to meet his gaze nonchalantly and shrugged. "It's not every day that a man writes me a poem, you know."

"Isn't it? I seem to remember this man writing you several. But," he blew out a deep breath, "I guess there wasn't one for each day. I shall have to remedy that."

She snickered and returned to the blanket. But instead of reaching for a bite to eat, she glanced up at him and disturbed his gaze already settled on her features. She stilled. The intent expression in his cinnamon eyes warmed her. And she sighed. In contentment. And in discontent.

For this man made her desire things which she wasn't even sure truly existed. Or were within her grasp if they did. And if they were, could she hold on to them? Or, once held, would they evaporate like so many abandoned dreams?

"Aren't you hungry, princess?" he murmured quietly.

But his eyes still held hers.

"Not really."

"Come. Can't I tempt you with anything?"

As she stared at him, she had to admit that he did tempt her. Quite often.


Eun Sook sighed. As she stared out the window. And thought of her fiancé.

She was missing Jijin. Again. Ever since her brother had arrived, she'd barely seen her beloved. In fact, Jong Su had spent more time with her than Jijin had. But even that wasn't much. The two men spent their days in talks with the council and Jin Heung's advisors.

Each night, she had to resist the temptation to creep down to his chambers. And slip through the doors into his private domain. To surprise him when he came to bed.

For all she knew, he wasn't even sleeping these days.

She was beginning to wonder if the man was ever going to marry her. How would he find the time to speak his vows when he couldn't even find more than fifteen minutes to spend with her each day?

The Mercenary: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #2Where stories live. Discover now