Chapter 24: A Worthy Woman

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Eun Sook took her soon-to-be sister-in-law's advice to heart. And decided to fight for what she wanted. Which, of course, was Jijin.

So she prepared for her wedding zealously. Soaking in her tub while allowing herself to relax and focus on Jijin's adoration of her. She blocked out everyone else's opinion. And simply basked in the memories of Jijin's sweet embrace and tender kisses. And all the words of love which he'd uttered into her waiting ears.

Sook Myeong returned to her chamber an hour later to oversee her preparations. Eun Sook was draped in beautiful royal robes and her hair was dried and fixed in a style befitting a queen. The final result was stunning.

"You are completely captivating," the princess breathed as she took in the mesmerizing form of the older girl.

The front half of her snowy hair had been coiled and piled up on the top of her head. The remainder flowed down her back in white waves of glory. She was wearing a white robe close to her body. It had been covered by a brilliant indigo over robe that brought out the beauty of her deep violet-blue eyes. Her pale skin was flooded with nervous color right now, two blooming roses burning in her cheeks, just slightly brighter than the rest of her countenance.

"He's going to be absolutely entranced," Sook Myeong uttered charitably. "You will definitely not disappointment my brother. Now...hold your head high. And smile. It completely transforms your face," she admitted grudgingly. Wondering if her own smile would ever captivate a man as she knew Eun Sook's had entrapped Jin Heung.

Was Jong Su as enraptured by her own smile?

Sook Myeong doubted it greatly.

The Goguryeon princess's allure lay mostly in her open countenance that did little to conceal her matching heart. There was an easy friendliness to her personality that seemed to welcome everyone into her inner circle. Sook Myeong could not understand it. The girl had been cast out by her own father, had been ostracized by her people, and had fled to a foreign land to escape their cruelty, yet her heart still sought out the affection of others. And freely lavished it on those around her. She was simply resilient.

Hadn't her wounds taught her to hide from others? How had she clung to this simple trust in the kindness of people? A belief that had opened her mouth to spill her secrets to a simple servant girl. Hadn't the rejection of her own father taught her how cruel life was? How unforgiving and prejudicial people could be?

Had she no need of self-preservation? Or had the love of the king somehow unlatched a heart that had previously been closed off?

Sook Myeong had no idea. She hadn't met the Goguryeon princess until a few days ago.

But underneath her frigid demeanor beat a heart that had to admit to a grudging respect for the sweet girl. The princess found that she rather liked Jin Heung's choice of bride. Quite a lot, actually.

She was privately cheering for the girl to come into her own. That the royal blood in her veins would rise to the occasion to color more than just her skin with life and passion. Sook Myeong hoped that Eun Sook lived long as queen. And exercised the gifts of her heart to rule well alongside Jin Heung. Together, they could shape a kingdom bent towards equality, prosperity, and compassion.


What was happening to Sook Myeong? Was the prince rubbing off on her? She was considering the merits of a kingdom in which charity ruled the day? Instead of oppression and intrigue? Could such a land really exist?

She didn't believe so.

Not in its entirety anyway. She wasn't naïve enough to believe that everyone could change. Or that everyone would change. Some men chose evil because it got them what they wanted. There would always be men who sought power through the subjugation of others.

The Mercenary: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #2Where stories live. Discover now