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Nathan's POV

Sighing Katie put her head in hands and started talking...
"I hated myself, no guy ever liked me, everyone preferred someone else over me and I was nothing, I still am. Olivia started daily beatings and I let her continue because her words just confirmed all my assumptions about myself. When I found out about her and Nathan I couldn't take it so I started thinking about running away but I would still have to live with myself and I was my worst enemy.
After mom and dad sent me to London I refused to talk and that's why it took two years for me to come home. I also denied my problems and never took my medicine at first. Trent started talking to me about a year ago. Now he's out and he took me out just now so that we could get to know each other more considering that in London we just spent time around each other not talking." Katie then took a deep breathe and exhaled shakily. I was at loss for words considering I had indirectly caused her so much trouble and I was supposed to be her best friend.
"As you guys know I was fine up until the point in which everyone found out about my true identity. Olivia started beating me to a pulp again and I once again let her, I didn't cry out for help because I knew I would get sent back to London which isn't what I want. Some other stuff happened and now Trent is back. He took out to the movies and his favourite diner today and we played 20 questions. He is just a friend and I wouldn't go after him anyway considering I can barely care for myself let alone another person." A stray tear spilled out of Katie's eye as she was engulfed into her brothers' arms. I wish she was in mine though and I wish that she was looking at me when she told me that story not down at her shoes.
"Good Morning Kat!" I said after running down the hall to catch up her. I then grabbed her hand and took her onto the rooftop. Luckily classes didn't start for another hour because we both had a spare in the morning. Questioningly Kat gave me a curious look but didn't say anything. Up on the roof I had set up a bunch of flowers and a blanket so that we could talk or study, whatever she was comfortable with. I just wanted our friendship to go back to before the drama and maybe then I will finally be able to tell her about my feelings that have been locked inside for a long time now.
"Nathan, you don't have to do anything out of pity, I hate it." Kat said whilst pulling her hand out of my grasp.

"No pity here, I swear. I want to start over and go back to were we should have never left things, okay?" I promised looking deep within her brown eyes but if you looked close enough you could see her hidden emerald gems. I wish she didn't change how she looked but no matter what I will always, completely, truly and unconditionally love Katrina Anderson.


Hey Guys!
Hope this chapter is living up to your expectations! So, Who are you going for, Nathan or Trent? Also who's your favourite character because I love Luke and Brendan but that's just me!
Next Update: You'll see what went down on the rooftop and Trent comes back along with another character.
Until next time!

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