simulation - wilbur

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i actually don't know if this is derealisation, but this is heavily based on how i feel so :)

TW ⚠️

Wilbur sighed, staring at the bland wall infront of him. The same wall he saw when he was younger. The same wall he always saw. The same wall every day, every hour, every minute, every second.

Life felt like a simulation. After all, everyone lived only to achieve the same objective.


No matter how far you got in life, whether you was extremely poor, extremely rich, or a classical working middle class citizen. You all died in the end.

Yes, some may die before others, but what's the point of staying in this world any longer than it needs to? Climate change is rapidly taking over our world, almost at an irreversible point.

Shudders crept down Wilbur's sign at the thought of the future of climate change. He didn't want to live in a world full of pollution, full of selfish, ignorant guinea pigs tearing the world apart.

Maybe the world wasn't worth living in after all.

Carefully, Wilbur manoeuvred his gaze, staring at the night sky. He couldn't even have that anymore. His comfort place as a kid was this pier not too far away from his house. The guinea pigs had ruined that too, the stars are barely visible anymore.

What was the point in living? Really, what is the point? He averted his gaze to the mirror in front of him, staring at the ugly reflection beyond him.

The more he stared, the more his body started moving. Twitching in unthinkable ways, morphing into unthinkable things. He violently pinched himself. Is he even real anymore? Is this world even real? Is this all a dream? A nightmare? A simulation?

He didn't know.

He didn't even notice his rasp breathing and the hot tears streaming down his face until he was pulled back into reality by a bang outside startling him.

He muffled a scream under the palm of his hands, glaring frantically to see what was outside.

It was just a balloon.

A sigh of relief escaped from him, as he pulled his bedsheets over him and burrowed himself into them, curling up in a ball.

Soon his breath steadied, falling into a deep sleep.

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