Chapter Seven - Don't Let Zombies Get Between You And Your Friends

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Do you know that kind of sick feeling you get at the base of your throat? You get it when you feel like you've just made a terrible mistake, like if you've said something offensive and you didn't mean to, or you realise you threw away twenty pounds in a birthday card from aunt Sally or whatever. Your stomach drops, a wave of heat drops down from your head to your toes and you get the weird sick feeling at the bottom of your throat. Yeah, as I drove down the track being followed by a swarm of undead, I got it.

After almost losing control and flying off the track I had to slow down and the biting monsters that followed just seemed to get closer and closer and closer and it was making my heart beat faster and faster and faster. Sweat was dripping off me and Luke was firing off a string of curses and Sandy was shouting in the back and it was quickly all becoming too much. There's a reason that soldiers and marines get training before they're put in high pressure situations and that's because we are simply not designed to handle such insane amounts of pressure.

"The road." I croaked, gagging on the words. Relief hit me and to be quite honest the sudden change in mood made me feel even worse, like when you jump from a hot bath to a cold shower repeatedly.

"Thank God!" Sandy screeched hoarsely from the back.

"Which way was the town?" I asked, my mind drawing a complete blank.

"Right." Luke replied immediately. I swerved left onto the road, away from the town. It looked like the entire town's population had left the town to come munch on us but I didn't want to take any chances.

I sped up and at the top of the next rise, before I lost sight of the turning in my rear view mirror I stopped and began tapping on the steering wheel nervously. The zombies were spilling out of the trees, after a couple of moments of confusion they had spotted us and were following.

"Why have you stopped?" Luke asked incredulously.

"If the others are following behind us I want them to know which way we've gone. I've studied that map long and hard, I know that track was a dead end." I explained, once again feeling my blood pressure soar.

The undead were once again seconds from being all over us, I had to make a decision, I had to leave but I didn't want to. Then I saw the bright beam of two headlights spilling from the tree line and laughed with relief.

"They're ok!" I cried.

"Good lets move!" Luke screamed, the undead had reached us and were banging on the windows.

I was happy to oblige and sped off. I knew that we had miles of narrow, winding road ahead and I had no idea how we were going to rejoin the others what with the big gang of zombies in between us. I didn't want to but I checked the fuel gauge. A little under half full. That might be alright.

"How much petrol do they have?" I asked.


"Gas, how much gas do they have in their tank?"

"I'm not sure, I think maybe a quarter of a tank, we used most of what we had getting to the cabins." Luke admitted, a note of sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I can understand that you'd started to think of those two little huts as home." I said softly.

"Thanks. I guess I should know better than to get attached to stuff now." I was about to reply with a really moving statement about hope and humanity and the struggle to not only keep on living but keep true to our nature. I didn't get the chance though, because a really mouthy little girl in the back seat interrupted me.

"Shit! They're turning round!" She shouted.

"Why? Do they know another way round?" I asked.

"Not the others silly! The zombies, they're turning round!" I cursed under my breath.

"We're too far in front and we can't keep this weird balancing act going forever." I tried desperately to think of a solution while leaning heavily on my horn. I knew I couldn't keep doing that, any zombies in front of us would be made restless by the sound and then we would really be up shit creek without a paddle. "Come on guys, we need a plan." I pleaded with Sandy and Luke.

"How many of them do you reckon there are between us?" Luke asked.

"I'd say maybe fifty, there's more behind the others, we need to be fast or they're going to be caught in a choke hold." I replied. "Holy shit!" I cried.

"What's wrong?" Asked Luke in alarm.

"Nothing, I've just had an idea. Yesterday I drove along this mountain road with a massive drop to one side and a solid cliff face on the other, I hate heights and I felt like I was choking." I explained. "We drive up there, we stop, the others follow and as they squash all the walkers they'll start to fall off the cliff, they have no concept of danger, they'll just try getting around to the side of our car and they'll slip and fall, I'd bet money on it!"

"You're betting more than money." Luke said darkly.

"Fuck it!" Sandy declared. "We have to give it a try."

A/N I am so sorry for my absence :( But I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I know it was only a short one, I just really wanted to get one uploaded tonight. If you're still here, thanks for sticking with me :) I honestly appreciate it... Also, I'm only just realising I have no idea what I'm doing on this site because I've just read some really heartwarming comments for the first time and they were posted ages and ages ago...

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