Stream and Thoughts.

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Ranboo gets up from the ground and starts up his pc. He silent the whole time..

Thinking back, when Schlatt came in and said no kissing, were we about to kiss? I mean.. He doesnt like me like that..right? What if he does? I like him but.. Would it be ok to date? What would everyone think? The viewers think? I mean they ship us but theres always a viewer ship, and I get enough hate for even talking to him.

Ranboo: Y/n? Are you ok? You look worried.

Y/n: Hm? Yea just thinking.

He rolls his chair near me.

Ranboo: About what?

Y/n: Just random stuff ya' know?

Ranboo: Hmm. Ok I wont push you more. What do you think I should stream?

Y/n: We can beat the game together if you want. 

Ranboo: Oki.

He says with a smile and he rolls his chair back. Damn hes cute. 

I load my computer up and start Minecraft and discord.

Ranboo: Can you create the world while I start stream?

Y/n: Yea Boo.

I start a new world and name it : Beat the game. Hurry. Beat the game. And set it on easy.

Ranboo: Heyo chat! How are you all??

He reads his chat and answer a few donos while I send him the IP on discord and then I go in the closet and get comfy so the viewers can hear me ok in a call and not just Ranboos mic.

He starts the call.

Y/n: Hello.

Ranboo: Hi.

Y/n: We have to beat the game.

Ranboo: Yes.

And we both start to get wood.

Ranboo: How was your day?

Y/n: Ranboo you were with me the whole time. I was sick. Tf you talkin about.

And he bursts out laughing. His laugh is so nice.

Y/n: Fun fact chat Ranboo made me soup and it was delicious.

Ranboo: Bruhehhshshshshshshhs

And he starts shifting and moving his head around in front of me in game. And I laugh.

We find a cave and start mining.

Y/n: Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Burn Burn Burn burn

Ranboo: What kind of summoning spell is this??

Y/n: A summoning spell for a boy friend lol.

Then he stands in front of me.

Ranboo: Here.

Oh jesus- hes flirting right? Just play right? Then I should it back right?

I shift and then give him mc character a peck on the cheek and then run.

He stands there for a moment then he mutes and deafens on discord.


Ranboo: I just got Minecraft kissed by her.

Chat is just spamming awhs. Jesus Wil was right she would do moves back. Oh i was not expect this.

I unmute and undeafen.

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