So Egg lore?

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I got up 2 hours before the stream time. And Then Tubbo calls me.

Y/n: Hello?

Tommy: Its me Tommy Get the fuck up.

Y/n: How the bloody fu-

*in the background*Tubbo: Tommy do you know where my phone is?

Tommy: Noo?

Y/n: I swear to god Tommy-

Tommy: M?

Tubbo: Is That My Phone??

Tommy: No! Its m-

And he hung up. The little Shit. I get some food and then hop on the Origins for an hour, then I get a call from Quackity.

Y/n: Hello

Quackity: Hello, I wanted to prep you before is that alrighy?

Y/n: Yea.

Quackity: So the plan is that after Foolish gets killed, I pop out then call for Techno, then Purple and lastly you. Then we attack em, they all leave but you follow them out. You are going live on this right?

Y/n: Mhm.

Quackity: Ok,, you follow em then try to kill Ant, but they all team you and then you pearl away. Sounds good?

Y/n: Ya.

Quackity: Great, you have the IP and stuff, you should login so you're not at spawn.

Y/n: Done in Done.

Quackity: Awesome. See you soon.

Y/n: Mhm.

He left the call, and I join the discord server.

Time travel to the Live Time.

I named my stream:

Red Shit Needs To Go ngl.

I start my stream just following Purple around the walls and stuff. Then I saw Foolish die, and I gasp for ya know, drama and shit.

Then quackity joins the game, and he joins the VC. He Pulls Techno in then purpled.

Quackity: Now, I believe we need a face around here, and someone who can beat dream, but not Techno. Met a good friend, Y/n.

Bad: Who?

Antfrost: What?

Niki: Oh my god.

Y/n: Hello.

Fundy: Oh my god she speaks.

Techno: Who wouldn't?

Bad: Oh come on, we dont even know this girl. She couldn't be better then Dream.

I pearl behind bad and used and enchanted axe techno gave me, and made him loose more then half of his hearts, then pearled back around Quackity.

Bad: What?! No she has to go now, Ant kill her.

Y/n: No thank you.

Then we all started to fight, and then bad and his eggy friends run off down a tunnel, and be script I run after, and join there VC.

Bad: Ok ok, I should have seen that coming. Everyone ok?

They all respond with yes or mhms.

Y/n: Why do you guys even like the egg? Its only controlling you all. Soon enough it might even kill you all for the fun of it.

Ant: It would never! The egg cares about us, unlike the others, who want to kill it!

Y/n: Shut the fuck up kitty.


Ant: Lets go Lil girl.

I make the first strike, being a crit, then he double crits me so I pearl out and leave the VC.

'That was close. I should be more careful around here.' And then I started to explore.

' Hold on chat I'm getting a call. '

Y/n: Hello?


Y/n: You really never asked mate.

Ranboo: BbbRrRRUUuUUHHHHhhhhHh.

Y/n: BrUh me all you want, it was for lore.

Ranboo: Uh huh. So you kinda got throw in?

Y/n: Yes and No. I had a choice if I wanted too. And I say yes.

Ranboo: Ooo ok. Want a tour?

Y/n: Do I look like a mfin Touri?

Ranboo: Yes.

Y/n: Oh you Fuck.

Ranboo: Uh huh. You want it or naw?

Y/n: Yes.

Then we did a tour for a few hours, mostly just making fun of everything. Then I ended stream.

Y/n: Thanks for calling me right after the lore dude, I had know idea what I was gonna do afterward.

Ranboo: Anytime! Im always here for you.

I smiled and blushed. Hes a hopeless romantic though.

Y/n: Same.

End of this. I will be writing an other one rn bye.

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