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I start my stream a 30 min before Tommy's. I have lore with Phil. I start my stream outside my house, Ranboo has a bit after lore so I shouldn't really go in. I start thanking subs and donos while walking to Phil's.

Dono: How do you like the DSMP so far? You were thrown into lore like Ranboo so I guess stressful.

' Well, I wouldnt say stressful, I would say busy but its cool here. I like doing lore and stuff and I love Ranboo, Wilbur and the people here. Its nice. '

I see my chat spam awhs then I see a chat from Ranboo.

' Wait was that Ranboo? Lemmie see what he said real quick loves. '

I find his chat and begin to read it out loud.

' I agree. I also love ya too cupcake. '

I blush. Even though it was a chat, I still blushed.

' Ha haaaaaa okayyy haa lore timeeeee '

Then I hear my Tier three sub notification and I read it at loud.

' Thank you oh my fuckin- '

I stop and just breath. Chat already saw it and was freaking the fuck out.

' Ok. Thank you RanbooLive! For the Tier Three Sub! I have a Lil thing after someone Tier 3 subs to me, They choose the song that plays next. I swear to god Ranboo we are on a schedule so can you wait after lore? '

10 pound dono: Ya I can wait cupcake. Ttys. Love you.

' Thanks. '

I pause.

' Love ya too Boo bear. '

I think its just platonic. I mean. He wouldnt like me like that. Right? I mean I dont, or..

I hear Phil join the call. Lore time get the love shit out your head.

Phil: Hey Y/n. How you been m8? Seems your having fun with Ranboo and the others.

That fucker.

Y/n: Yea. Its been fun. We need to talk.

Phil: About Wil right? Y/n, mate.

He put a sound of worry in.

Y/n: Phil Why didnt you tell me? Why didnt you send me letters when you got here? Why didnt you-

Phil: It was for your safety Y/n!

Y/n: From What Philza? I can take care of my fuckin self dammit.

Phil: Y/n, Do you even remember what happened when you were around Techno when he went bloodlust? You fuckin joined him. But that wasn't you.

Y/n: That was a long time ago dammit! Nothing has happened sense then!

Phil: Because you werent near Techno after, because you fuckin knew he would possess you again.

Y/n: Philza! I dont care if he comes back he hasnt for years and you know it! Just why didnt you tell me? About Wilbur! About Ghostbur! And why did you tell Sam about it? It wasnt any of his business nor his worry!

Phil: To protect you Y/n, you may not care if Hex does it again but the causes you will, I told Sam because it was for safety! Y/n, just please. I know you know how dangerous it can get when Hex shows up. Please just listen to me.

Y/n: . . .

On time Ranboo joins the VC and walks into the room me and Phil are in.

Ranboo: Hello? I heard yelling and got worried.

Ranboo × Reader [FINISHED!]Where stories live. Discover now