Takes time pt2

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Ranboo: I believe you'll like Foolish. Hes cool.


I remember my canon character remembers Foolishs death.

Y/n: I do not wanna met him. I will explain at a better time.

Tommy: Ok miss mystery.

Y/n: Sh child.


Y/n: Uh huh.

I see up ahead glass and then a huge crator.

Y/n:  What is this place? It seems so.. Empty.

Tommy and Ranboo go quiet.

Tubbo: Its l'manburg Y/n.

Y/n: What

Tubbo: Yea..

I walk onto the glass, and look below.

Y/n: What happened?
I say dramatically.

Tommy: Phil, Techno, and Dream blew it up.

Y/n: WHAT? PHIL? Where is he? Ranboo you know, you live with him take me there now, please.

Ranboo: Y/n,, I think its best we leave this in the past. Phil didnt want to.


Tommy: Lets go guys. I need to talk to you all, follow me.

We follow him to the tower near the prison. He starts explaining his plan to kill dream.

Tubbo: I can get some gapples and potions.

Y/n: I have TNT at my base, more then enough.

Ranboo: I have extra amour and weapons if needed.

Tommy: Thank you.

And he ended stream.

Y/n: Damn never had to act like that before.

Ranboo: What? Get mad at Phil?

Y/n: Yea. I hope I dont have to more in the future. Canonnly I am still mad at his for neglecting to tell me about what wilbur did and how he died.

Ranboo: Ohhh.

Tommy: Thanks for today guys,, we can do this next week ago to move with the lore correct?

Tubbo: Yes

Ranboo: ya.

Y/n: Yea. Imma go live cuz Sam wanted to met up Canonnly so need to do dat. Byeee!

Tubbo: Bye y/n!

Tommy: Bye!

Ranboo: Bye Text me when your done.

Y/n: Okiiii.

And I left the VC. I went to grab food and a monster.

I named the stream:


I started with straight lore right away.

' God dammit Phil. Tells me nothing anymore. Just dammit. I will find out why he wont tell me anything. '

I walk out from the tower, and head to the community house, and find Sam.

' Oh its Sam. He wanted me earlier, lets talk to him. '

Y/n: Hello?

Sam: Hello! How are you Y/n?

Y/n: Im fine, just fine. What did you need?

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