From the End Comes A Beginning

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Merrick, Brianna, and Terry all looked up at the colossal beast that was currently towering over them. It was jet black with white eyes, and didn't seem to be able to hold its shape very well. Its top half was somewhat humanoid, with normal arms that ended in claws, and a head with two symbiote eyes and a massive, toothy, gooey maw, but its lower half was basically a shapeless blob that kept twisting and contorting.

They watched as massive blobs of ooze dripped from its arms and splashed to the ground, which immediately began spreading and latching onto anything it could find. The giant symbiote lurched forward across the ground, sliming over the earth and recollecting any fallen goo.

"Ummm, does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?" Brianna asked meekly.

"I vote we run." Merrick suggested.

"I'm good with that." Terry and Brianna replied before they all turned and began running as fast as they could away from the giant blob that was surging forward, heading north.

They kept running until they reached a collapsing city, not too far from the next turned monster.

"How are we supposed to stop this thing?!" Brianna asked hysterically. Merrick shook his head and sat down.

"I haven't the foggiest idea. Wendell might know, but we have no way of contacting her. The three of us are no match for that thing."

Terry looked at the body of the queen's former host, which Merrick had taken with him when they escaped.

"Why bring her with us?" He asked. Merrick made a sideways glance at it.

"Better than leaving her behind just to float around inside that monster."

Brianna frowned under her mask. Something seemed off about that statement. She didn't press it, however. They had bigger problems. Literally, bigger. Terry looked over at the towering beast, which while slow moving, was causing unearthly amounts of damage.

"We need to at least keep pace with it. You're going to have to leave the body behind." Terry directed that last sentence at Merrick. Merrick nodded and stood up before wrapping the body in a web cocoon. The three of them took off at full speed, trying to keep pace with the behemoth.


Wendell and the rest of her team looked at the screen in horror as the colossal symbiote slowly continued to make its way North. What was more disconcerting was the fact that it seemed to be specifically heading in their direction.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Paula exclaimed as the symbiote smashed a building out of its way. Wendell shared the sentiment. It really felt like they couldn't win. The sheer amount of symbiote-tailored weaponry that would be needed to bring it down was staggering and Merrick's anti-venom abilities would be useless against a creature of that size!

"Let's stop freaking out and start trying to figure out how to stop it, or at least slow it down." Mr. Cruz said, breaking everyone out of their lapse in attention. Wendell immediately sat down and put her fingers to her temples.

"The only thing I can think of is if the total military between all sites were to converge and throw everything they have at this thing, but that isn't going to happen. They wouldn't trust us, and they certainly won't go for an all-out assault if they can help it. They'd all be convinced that they can hunker down and wait it out before launching their own tactical strike." Wendell said aloud, but mainly to herself. She kept talking, figuring out scenarios and looking at the pros and cons before she was broken out of her state of rambling by Mrs. Cruz, how was pointing at the screen. Wendell' innards dropped even further.

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