Remnants of the Past

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It was gray out. The sky was gloomy, casting a dull color over the landscape. The group of hosts had been travelling for two weeks now, following the map to the indicated position. They were carrying rations and water to last them for several weeks, aided by the symbiote's strength enhancement. Terry was especially helpful, able to haul much more than the rest of them. They were also carrying the gifts left to them by a party unknown.

By Merrick's estimate, they were roughly two-thirds, maybe three-quarters of the way there. It was getting late, so they found a spot to bunk down that had reasonable shelter and started a fire before cooking some re-hydrated meat for dinner. While they ate, Merrick kept examining the map, trying to figure out what they were making their way towards. The map had cities marked on them already and the circle wasn't near one. None of the runners had any idea of what might be waiting for them.

Once they were done with their dinner, Merrick and Brianna created a web barrier between several trees that lined the outside of their campsite, then everyone settled down to sleep. They all rested peacefully that night.


To say that Dr. Wendell wasn't having a mental breakdown would be a bald-faced lie. Both projects that she had proposed and spearheaded had gone completely awry and destroyed a good section of the base during the process. Today, she was being dragged before the council for a 'report' on the situation. That was code for 'she was about to float down the River Styx in a canoe with no oars.'

She had occupied herself the last few weeks by trying to determine why the serum had suddenly produced the ghastly side effect in Cruz. Thus far, the only answer she could pull from it was that something caused the symbiotic material in the serum to undergo a rapid and drastic mutation. However, what was more unsettling was that the changes hadn't ceased. They were much slower in pace, but she could see the changes still happening. The red skin Cruz had developed was slowly morphing into something more akin to the slimy symbiote biology. However, he was not bonded to a full symbiote. It was truly baffling, and very disturbing. Cruz's mental state hadn't improved either. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse. She was hoping to plead with the council to allow her to attempt finding a cure for Cruz's condition, but she saw the chances of that to be very slim.

She hadn't noticed she was already at the council's meeting room until she almost walked face first into the door. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for the oncoming onslaught.

The report went about as much as she expected. She spoke very little and endured a berating on nearly every count of what happened, even on things that weren't her fault. She offered her plea to the council, who considered it, but not before informing her that both projects would be continuing. Just not under her supervision.

She grudgingly accepted this as her lot, until they told her who would be taking over the symbiote project.

"We will be assigning Dr. Mitchell to your Anti-Symbiote project, and we will be assigning Dr. Reagan to your Gorgon 2.0 program."

Wendell was incredulous.

"Council, I understand your decision to pull me from these projects, but for the love of all that remains sacred in this world, you cannot put Mitchell in charge of this project! It can only end in disaster!"

The head of the council frowned at her.

"We've already had one disaster. Your credibility is spent on this matter. We trust Mitchell more than you right now. You let your fascination with those creatures outweigh your better judgement. The decision is final."

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