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It was roughly one day from the date of departure that Merrick had decided upon. Between him and the siblings, they had enough food and water to get them roughly over three quarters of the way there if they ate more often than usual and didn't find any food along the way. Not enough to get all the way there, but close enough. Merrick had started having them take their backpacks of supplies and hauling them along with them on scavenging trips as a means of preparing them for the long trek.

Kelly had worn him down and convinced him to do a two-day search for Brianna. He had already completed a one-day search, but had no luck. He got back around midnight, judging by the night sky, to find them both wide awake. He sent them off to bed as quick as he could and lay down himself. He found himself feeling a bit disappointed that he didn't find a trace of her, but whatever. He just hoped nothing got to her first. Or no one.

That strange woman was still out there. He had spent some time looking for traces of her too, but she wasn't anywhere near them. He was certain of that.

He was half tempted to go back to the old shelter and see if any of their stockpile was still there. He imagined that the woman had taken some of it, but she wouldn't be able to carry all of it. Not practically anyway. Mostly, he wanted medical supplies. He could make due with his webbing and some sticks, but that still didn't help if they got a really bad cut or something similar. Then he heard something in the streets.

It was faint. He had to strain to hear it. A steady 'thump thump thump' of light feet impacting concrete. Merrick jumped up and slipped down into the streets. It was getting louder.

He slipped into a shadowy outcropping on the ground floor of the building and whistled six notes quickly. Three high notes followed by three low notes. The running slowed and another six-note whistle pierced the silence. Three low notes followed by three high notes. Merrick picked up a small rock and tapped it twice on a wall. Then waited a few seconds before doing it again. Eventually, a man in his early twenties was easily visible. He was thin, but muscled and had a colossal beard.

"Haven't heard the Runner's call in a while, kid. What I also didn't know was that anyone else was around."

Merrick didn't break his neutral expression.

"You know that the city got invaded?"

The man didn't shift.

"Found a bunch of sobs near the outskirts and got the story from a kid. Gave him some rehydrated meat as thanks. He's lucky the adults didn't find out."

"Yeah. I saw them too. I actually found a couple of kids that were separated from their parents. Apparently, they didn't make it out. I've been training them."

The man barked in laughter.

"Ha! You look like you just barely finished your training!"

Merrick scowled now.

"Didn't get the chance to finish it. They didn't last long enough."

The man became more sympathetic.

"Oh. You were there during the massacre."

"Don't bring it up. Either way, you're right. Those kids have got the basics down as well as some combat training, but I can't finish it. They convinced me to go and look for their older sibling whom they lost when they got here. I'm going to look again tomorrow. Either way, they need to know what I don't. Can you finish what I started?"

The man seemed contemplative.

"What do I get out of this?"

"I've got a stockpile going as well as preparations for the fall run. I can get another kit ready for you, and I'll accompany you and them down south. I'll even leave you all my supplies when I take off."

Symbiosis: At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now