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Brianna watched as the soldiers continued to lose ground. She hated having to sit back and watch like a helpless bystander. She had already killed one single handedly! And one much bigger and obviously much smarter than the ones the army was currently dealing with. She should be out fighting! But she couldn't. Even if she could slip away to allow the symbiote to become her costume, she would be noticed to be missing. She couldn't do that to her mother, not now. So, she stayed where she was, no matter how hard it was.

A group of four soldiers came running up the stairs.

"They've announced a complete evacuation of the city! Everyone out! Move move move!"

Immediately everyone rushed for the doors. Brianna waited back with her mother to avoid getting trampled by the stampede of employees and civilians. Once it was clear enough, they made their way to the ground floor and joined the masses in the scramble to get out of the city. She noticed some people breaking into stores and fires raging in other parts of the city as she ran while holding her mother's hand. Soldiers were lined up on the rooftops, their weapons trained on the battle, preparing to slow down the invaders should they need to. Since they were near the end of the massive blob of panicked people, they were in the most danger. She looked back and was horrified to see that the enemy symbiotes were close to breaking through the defensive line the soldiers had created. And in that moment, she made a choice.

She slowed down until she separated from her mom and worked her way to a back alley. The symbiote immediately took on its costume form and she swung out towards the battle. Taking a vantage point on a shadowed rooftop, she extended her arms out in front of her and began to fire spikes from her arms which cut through the advancing foe with ease. Even though she wasn't stopping them, she was slowing them down enough to give the military some breathing room. Then she felt her heart freeze.

She saw her dad on the front line, holding a sonic rifle in each hand. He was gunning down symbiote after symbiote with an efficiency she never knew he possessed! Even still, he was starting to be overtaken.

"Die, you soulless monsters, DIE!"

Then she saw with horror that a symbiote colored green and black with several bladed tendrils coming out of its back had snuck behind the defensive line and was cutting its way through the army towards her dad.

"NO, DAD!"

She leapt off the roof and slammed both feet into the symbiote before backflipping off and beginning to fire spikes at it. This symbiote hissed and swung its tendrils around, knocking the projectiles out of the air. She turned to see her father had turned around and saw her fighting the monster. He paused for a second before opening fire on the both of them. She didn't realize what was happening until she felt the sonic blast strike her. Her symbiote began to screech and she felt unbelievable pain fire through her nerves. She screamed and felt the symbiote peel away from her partially. Her father froze as he saw his little girl shrieking in agony. The symbiote immediately reformed into her costume and she collapsed onto all fours. She was breathing heavily.

Her father looked horrified, then enraged.


He immediately began firing again. This time, the symbiote took over and fired two tendrils from her shoulders that dragged her out of the way. She regained her senses quickly and dodge the next two blasts before running into a back alley. Her father ran in too, only to find that she had vanished. He looked around for several prolonged seconds before falling to his knees and bellowing in rage and sadness. Brianna watched, her heart wrenching itself in her chest as her father broke down in front of her. She turned and ran. Running and leaping from building to building, she ran for the walls, away from her father. She kept going until she leapt as high as she could and scaled the walls before she got out. She turned and saw an abandoned city. She sprinted towards it and kept going until she was unable to run anymore.

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