Chapter 7:Oh gosh..

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Y/N laid in bed with an ice pack on her face. After falling on the sidewalk she had a mark on her face, it was a little bruise and scratch nothing serious. But that's not what was bothering Y/N this's the fact that she kissed a certain someone..a certain gremlin, a certain Chihuahua, a certain JERK by the name of ROY. Oh gosh the embrassment she felt, the different shades of red her face was! Y/N thought it was all a dream. It had to be! this couldn't get any worst, could it?.. "Y/N COME DOWN HERE YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL!!" Y/N's Mother yelled. Y/N covered herself with her blanket, yes she was already dressed and ready but the thought of facing Roy oh my goodness that scared the living hell out of her. Y/N isn't the type to get embrassed but when she does, it's bad. "Y/N DO YOU HEAR ME!" Y/N's mother shouted again. "YES MOM I HEAR YOU, I'M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL THOUGH" Y/N Yelled. "WHY NOT?" Y/N's mother yelled once again. Y/N got out of bed and walked out her room and walked downstairs. "Because I hate it" Y/N said. "Honey, it's only been a day. Besides we let you have your first day on a Thursday so today's Friday and then you'll have the weekend! Just please go to school for today..please!" Y/N's mother folded her arms. "Alright mom..fine" Y/N grabbed her backpack and opened the front door. "Bye Sweetie, love you" Y/N's mother waved "Goodbye" "Love you too.." Y/N walked out the door and closed it behind her.

Today she wasn't getting a ride from her father, he was in a rush to get to work so he told her to walk. It didn't bother Y/N she liked walking. She was just worried about running into Roy..Y/N kept walking. It was a nice morning, the wind blew gently and leaves fell. It was about to be fall soon or maybe it already was.. it was currently October. Y/N was excited for Halloween, her and Ace discussed about it yesterday. He was going to be a Demon, Y/N didn't decide on what she was going to be yet. Maybe she would be Black cat, hmm. Maybe Ace will help her out. Y/N was deep into her thoughts that she didn't even notice who was in front of her. "Hey Y/N! You okay?" "She looks like she's thinking" "..." Y/N looked up to see the.. Hatzgang, no surprise to her...but something was off. "No Roy?" Y/N tilted her head. "Oh Roy said he couldn't walk with us today, he said something about how he had to go get his pen? Which makes no sense cause I've never seen Roy write with a pen" Ross shrugged.  "Oh well..okay then, I'm glad he's not here I didn't...wanna argue with him like I always do" Y/N looked at the sidewalk. "What if he's telling everyone at school, oh my goodness! I'm fucking screwed!" Y/N thought to herself. "I actually wanted to ask you if you were okay or if you knew anything about Roy cause once you left he was all awkward and his face was all red" Ross said. "I-I'm fine! Um..I don't know what's wrong with Roy though we just talked y'know nothing special!" Y/N blushed. "What did you guys talk about?" Robert asked. "I-um-I-Stuff! Stuff! Yeah stuff! Y'know like...Stuff! Hahahah yeah....haha.." Y/N gulped. "Alright then? sure you're okay Y/N?" Ross asked. "Couldn't be better" Y/N sighed as she felt a pit her stomach, what the hell was Roy planning. Was he even planning anything at all? "Damnit! That reminds me! I never got back at Roy for being a dick! Wait- why am I thinking about this now, I have to hurry to the school and see what Roy is doing" Y/N thought to herself. "Um..guys I forgot my notebook at school and I wanna see if it's there so yeah see you later!" Y/N ran away from Ross and Robert..

"Roy and Y/N are acting weird today, I wonder what they talked about" Robert put his hands in his jacket pockets. Ross gave Robert a look, Robert looked at Ross and tilted his head. Ross gave Robert another look..."Don't be weird dude" Robert shook his head. "What? I didn't even say anything" Ross smiled.

Meanwhile with Y/N
Y/N ran fast to the school, it wasn't far and it was still early. "I don't even think school is open yet-" Y/N paused as she saw Roy sitting on the curb near the school but not on school property. Y/N slowly tried walking away but Roy noticed her before she could. "..What do you want Loser?" Roy said, but his tone wasn't as harsh as the many times he's spoken to her. It was more of a relaxed tone. "Um..I-I just wanted to see what you were doing, Ross and Robert said you were acting Weird and I'm sure they're suspicious of me too" Y/N walked closer to Roy and sat next to him. "..Last night-" "Last night was a mistake! I'm really sorry. I just...I just thought that-" Y/N let out a frustrated sigh, not knowing what to say. "A.. mistake..?" Roy said. "Y-Yeah! I just I don't why I did that! I'm really sorry Roy..but if I can ask..why did you kiss me b-" " was a mistake! I didn't mean to kiss you back it was just a mistake!" Roy huffed, his tone more aggressive. "Roy I-" "Whatever I don't care, I don't even like you!" Roy rumaged through his pocket and took out a Daisy flower and threw it on the ground he stepped on it. "And you suck at kissing anyways! Loser" Roy kept throwing insults at Y/N left and right. "What the hell! Why are you so mad! I just wanted to apologise cause I know you don't like me! But I.." Y/N teared up a bit then shook her head. "But I.. Obviously was right! You don't so yeah!" Y/N got up. "Whatever..just go away" Roy sat down again. Y/N was upset by all of this, she walked to the school building and rubbed her eyes until all she could see was static.."...He hates me now..and I never even got to tell him that..I...I.." Y/N entered the school and started heading to her homeroom...

(Poor Y/N. Maybe next chapter things will be better, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm currently working on the new Roy x Reader. I've been busy posting stuff on my YT channel and stuff like that hope you don't mind)

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