Chapter 6:Getting along

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Y/N and Roy walked out the Vice principals office, long story short she wrote them up. And gave them a long lecture. "Stupid Mrs. Campbell.." Roy mutterd. "Yeah..she's such a bitch" Y/N nodded in agreement. "Y'know we wouldn't have got into trouble if it weren't for you!" Y/N pointed at Roy. Roy looked at Y/N clearly offended. "What did I ever do to you!?" "I have a WHOLE list!- Y'know what. lemme-" Y/N got out a crumbled up piece of paper. She uncrumbled it and cleared her throat. "Number 1:Made me drop my Slushie, Number 2:Made my nose bleed Number 3-" "Okay I get it! Jeez..!" Roy folded his arms. "So yeah it's your fault..and you heard what that lady said. If I get into any more fights it's over for me!" Y/N sighed. "Sounds like a personal problem" Roy scoffed. "Ugh..look, I really don't want to move again, I want to stay here for as long as I can! And if that's ever gonna happen me and you need to get along!" Y/N held out her hand. "I'm sure we have a bunch in common and I know you love my flirty personality~" "No, I hate it" Roy said. "Come on!" Y/N begged. "No way! No is No, now go hangout with your Dick of a boyfriend Ace" Roy started to walk away. Y/N growled as she tapped her foot in anger. "Fine! Be like that!" Y/N stormed off.

Roy's P.O.V
Ugh..Y/N is so stupid, It's better if she just leaves this town! And I know just how to do it. I'll make her get into a fight with someone then that'll be it! she'll be gone for good! Hehehe I gotta tell Ross and Robert about this!

Timeskip to Free time
Roy sits down in front of Ross and Robert. "Guys listen! I have a plan" "For what?" Robert asked. "For Y/N! When I went to the Vice principals office I learned something valuable" Roy did his devilish grin. "And what was that?" Ross asked. "If New girl gets into a fight again it's over! She'll get out of this town!" Roy laughed. "Isn't that great!?" Ross shook his head. "Roy..I don't think that's such a good idea. She's really cool! Maybe if you got to know her then you'll like her!" "How do you know if she's cool or not?" Roy gave Ross a "Do you have something to tell me" face. "W..Well I just know.. I get cool vibes from her" Ross shrugged, rubbing his neck while looking at Y/N. Y/N was talking to Ace in the corner of the room. "hmm what are you trying to get at Ross?" Roy said impatiently. "Just try and get to know her! I'll set up a meeting time where you two can talk and it'll be great!" Ross suggested. Robert smiled. Roy shook his head but before he could say anything Ross got up and walked over to Y/N.. "And then I said "Balls" Y/N laughed. Ace looked at Y/N with confusion but his sleepy smile was still on his face. "Hey Y/N" Ross said. "Oh hey Rossy Ross, what's up?" Y/N smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me at 12:00 am again" Ross put his hands in his pockets. "Of course! See you then!" Y/N smiled. Ross nodded. "Alright, see ya Y/N" he walked back over to Roy and Robert.

"W..What did she say" Roy asked. "She said Yes" Ross said. "Whatever, like I care! I guess I'll go only because I'm bored!" Roy rambled on. Ross chuckled. "Sure Roy" Ross looked back at Y/N. She giggled as she grabbed Ace's beanie and put it on her head. Ace put his feet on his desk and sunk into his chair. He smiled at Y/N. "Looking good new girl, you're rocking that beanie" Y/N posed like a model. "oh you think so?" They both laughed.

"They're both getting awfully close" Ross thought to himself. He glanced at Roy then back at Ace and Y/N. "Maybe if Y/N and Roy just talk for a bit there relationship will be like that! But I shouldn't get my hopes too high. Roy is so stubborn.." Ross quietly thought...

Timeskip to After school because yes

School was done and Y/N and Ace said their good-byes and walked opposite ways. Ross,Roy, Robert just happen to be walking Y/N's way. (What a coincidence) Ross pushed Roy up to where Y/N was walking and gestured him to go talk to her. Roy groaned then went up to Y/N. "um..Hi" Y/N looked at Roy. "Uh hi? Do you need something?" Y/N looked confused. "Do you..wanna talk? Or whatever" Roy asked. "... Sure?? Why not" Y/N said, confusion written all over her face. "Is this a prank?" Y/N asked. "What? No, I just wanna talk to you well...I don't but Ross-" "That's great! I knew you'd wanna get along with me so I don't move away" Y/N said. "No I-" "What do you wanna talk about first? Oh! Are you a Night or morning person?" Y/N said Interuptting Roy. "Morning I guess" "I'm more of a night person" Y/N said, the excitement in her tone gone. They both walked with each other, the awkward silence making them both a bit embrassed. "Um I'll see you later, Loser..I just wanted to talk for a bit...." Roy walked behind Y/N over to Ross and Robert. "Bye.." Y/N whisperd.

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