Chapter 4-Night

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Y/N woke up, it was still dark. She turned to her side her alarm clock glowed brightly:"12:00 am" Y/N pulled the covers off of her and got out of bed. She got her F/C hoodie and put some socks on, Y/N put some shoes on and opened her window and climbed out. At this point she was on autopilot,  at Y/Ns old town she use to do this any time she would wake up in the middle of the night. It was kind of a  routine at this point. Y/N decided to head to the bridge, it was cold and dark. Still sorta wet from yesterdays rain, Y/N took a left and kept walking. Y/N took a deep breath and sighed. After a few minutes, Y/N arrived at the bridge. She walked up the little hill and tripped over a rock stuck in the ground. "AHHHH-" Y/N fell into the bushes. "Son of a-!" "You okay?" Said a familiar voice. Y/N crawled out the bush staring at the person's shoes. They were all dirty and scruffed up. Y/N looked up to see one of Roy's friends:Ross. Y/N got up and brushed herself off. "What are you doing out here so late at night?" Ross asked. "I should be asking you that" Y/N mutterd. "Well sometimes I come out here to just clear my head y'know?" Ross said in a calm tone that made Y/N smile a little. "Well I'm here because..Erm well the same reason to be honest, ever since your little bossy friend said that stuff to me it was very..-" "I understand dude, I'm sorry about him. He's never acted out like this to anyone before." Ross interupted Y/N. "Would you like to sit with me?" Ross offered.

Y/N nodded. "Sure...why not" Ross smiled and lead Y/N under the bridge. He sat on a big, long, and smooth rock that was deep in the ground. Ross cocked his head to the empty spot next to him Gesturing Y/N to sit down. Y/N sat next to Ross. "Um.. I'm not sure if Robert told you but I kinda went off on him, I really wish I didn't..he's very sweet and I was being a dick." "Well if you see him just apologise, I'm 100% sure he'll forgive you" Ross smiled. "Alright, I will. If you don't mind me asking did you manage to calm down your angry Chihuahua?" Y/N grinned. "Roy? Well yeah it took a bit-"

Flashback to when Ross was trying to calm down Roy

"Roy calm down please, don't let her get to you" Ross walked after Roy. "No! She needs to shut up and quit being so-UGH!! I hate her so much" Roy blushed as he folded his arms. Ross examined his angry friend. "You don't look that mad, just sound it" "what are you talking about Ross" Roy growled. "You're blushing" Ross pointed at Roy's cheeks. Roy's face turned red. "W-What! No I'm N-Not!" Ross smiled. "Nevermind..sorry I must have just been seeing things" Roy slightly covered his cherry face. "G-Get your eyes checked!" "Whatever you say Roy" Ross chuckled. Roy mutterd something under his breath and walked with Ross.."Hmph..!"

"Yeah I'm sure it did take a bit!" Y/N said. Ross nodded and smiled. There was a minute of silence until Y/N spoke:"..Does Roy have a girlfriend?" Ross looked at her kind of surprised at the question. "N..No he doesn't, why?" Y/N shrugged. "Um no reason just wondering.....does he got any crushes?" Ross looked even more surprised at that question."Nope...did you..want to ask him out?-" "N-NO, NO, NO!" Y/N stammered. Ross let out a laugh as he saw Y/N's face turn red. "Just curious is all! W-What about you any Girlfriends? Boyfriend's? People?" Y/N said trying to quickly change the subject.

"Nah, why? You trying to ask me out?" Ross said in a playful calming tone. "N-No I was just asking!" Y/N blushed wildly. "I'm only joking, but Roy, Robert, and me aren't dating anyone at the moment..kinda lame huh?" Ross shrugged. "No not at all, you don't need to date someone to look cool. Besides you're already cool" Y/N said grabbing Ross's beanie and wore it on her head.

Ross's hair was messy, he grinned as he looked up at the sky. Y/N smiled at Ross, she glanced up at the sky with him. "You're pretty cool, I'm glad you moved here. You don't seem that bad I don't why all the other schools you've been too kicked you out" Ross looked at Y/N. "Aww, thanks. I try" Y/N giggled as she looked at Ross. They looked at each other for a minute. Y/N blushed. "Um..I should get going we have school tomorrow right?" "Yeah" Ross nodded. "Alright then.. I'll see you tomorrow" Y/N hugged Ross. Ross was surprised by that action and hugged her back, squeezing her a little. Y/N let go of Ross and smiled. "Bye Ross!" She took off his beanie and put it on him. "See ya later Y/N" he waved "bye"

Y/N walked up the hill and went back on the sidewalk. "That was sorta nice!" She gushed to herself. "Maybe I'll be able to have a conversation like that with Roy" she giggled. "He's too stubborn...-" she stopped talking for a minute then spoke again. "Why am I even talking about that! He doesn't wanna talk to me and nor do I wanna talk to him!"

Y/N looked up at the sky quietly

Well..maybe I do..she blushed softly....

Then Y/N ran into a street light..

(This seemed more like a Ross x Reader then Roy x Reader 😳🤔 this chapter was short, next one will be longer! Hope you enjoyed have a great day/night/afternoon)

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