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Who are you?
'Cause you're not the girl
I fell in love with, baby
Who are you?
'Cause something has changed,
you're not the same,
I hate it

- Who? by Lauv ft. Jimin and Jungkook (BTS)

"Please? I promise I'll pay you back for this!"

Yuta sighed and kept walking, ignoring his best friend's pleas for help.

"No. I want to go see my boyfriend, and you need to finally confront your future boyfriends."

Doyoung groaned. "Hyung!" He whined.

He had a plan to actually stop ignoring the couple, but today was not the day for that. He was still trying to figure out what to say.

"I'll talk to them eventually, but definitely not today. Can't you just drop off these files for me in Jaehyun's office? I'll do whatever you want!"

Yuta stopped walking and turned to fully face the younger with a small smirk. Doyoung's face immediately dropped, and he started shaking his head.

"No. You can't ask for something like that. That's not how things work."

"Well this is special conditions Doie. We're best friends, and rules are stupid! I'll ask for it anyways, and either way you'll have to talk to them."

They both knew exactly what Yuta was going to say. After being friends for so long, they could basically read each other's mind.

And at that moment, what Yuta was going to say was very clear.

"Hyung! That's not how favors work! If I ask you to give this to them in place of me in exchange for a favor; you can't ask for that favor to be that I drop them off instead of you!"

"Then there's no point in me asking you!"

Yuta chuckled at how distressed the younger looked. He ruffled his hair and Doyoung glared at him.

Luckily Sicheng happened to run into them at that moment. Seeing how Yuta was laughing at a very annoyed Doyoung, he obviously had to ask what happened.

"Sicheng! Thank god you're here! Your boyfriend is being a bitch, help me please!" Doyoung said breathlessly as he clung onto the youngest.

Sicheng raised an eyebrow and looked at his boyfriend. "Yuta? What happened?"

The Japanese male laughed. "Nothing. He just wants me to drop his files off to Jaehyun because he's still avoiding them."

Sicheng snorted and rolled his eyes. "I see. Well, Doyoung, you can't do this forever you know that right?"

The Korean pursed his lips. "Yeah, but today is not that day."

The couple looked at each other and then at the man in front of them. "Doyoung." Yuta said.

"Out of everyone in Neo Tech, we both know you the best. If it's not today you'll never do it."

Doyoung pouted. "Psh. You two are probably the only people who think that way. I'll do it eventually!" He defended, clearly trying to make up any excuse to not face Taeyong and Jaehyun.

Without another word, Yuta slung Doyoung over his shoulder as Sicheng followed behind, trying to stop the leader from falling or trying to kick Yuta.

"Let me go!" He yelled helplessly as they dragged him in the direction of Jaehyun's office.

"Nope." Sicheng responded cheerfully as they continued walking.

Yuta finally put the man down once they had reached the hallway in which Jaehyun's office was located.

The Korean tried to run away, but of course the couple already knew what he was going to do so they each grabbed one of his wrists before he could escape.

"Not today. Go Doie, you can't keep doing this."

Doyoung bit his lip as he looked at them worriedly.

"I, I can't. I'm scared. I don't even know what to say or what I'm supposed to do if I see him. I can't do this today." He confessed as he held the sides of his head, sliding his back against the wall to sit on the floor.

"Doyoung." Yuta said, softer this time as he crouched down in front of the younger.

Sicheng sat next to Doyoung and patted his Boulder softly as the male shook his head. They could both sense his stress.

"I can't." He said softer. "Don't you remember what happened with her?" He asked.

Both immediately knew who he was talking about. Although Yuta and Sicheng hadn't worked at             N Culture during the same time frame, Doyoung had told them both the story of his ex-girlfriend.

She was a good person. They were a cute couple. But something happened, and things went very wrong.

A big argument happened.

It hadn't gone well for either party involved and extreme non-confrontational behavior was the result for Doyoung.

He didn't want to get hurt again.

"Doyoung." Yuta said again. "Look at me."

Sicheng lifted Doyoung's head for him and he smiled softly at the older male.

Yuta squeezed one of Doyoung's hands with a comforting look. "They aren't her, okay? Give them more faith then that."

"You are my best friend, and we've known each other since forever. I know you. Everything will be fine."

"You're a good person, and so are they. I trust all three of you to work it out so you just have to go."

Doyoung took in a shaky breath.

"I know I've been the one avoiding them but they haven't tried to talk to me either. What if they blame me? I mean I'm not part of their relationship."

Sicheng sighed and looked at Yuta. They were both thinking the same thing.

They both wanted to slap some common sense into their friend but they knew he was fragile since his last failed relationship.

"Hyung, you'll never know why if you don't go in there. It's better to know and move on if it's bad then stay in the dark. And I don't think it's bad. They aren't those kind of people."

Sicheng finished and Yuta picked up the next part. "They don't blame you. Trust us, we would know. We see the way they look at you. Please just talk to them. If it's really that bad, Sicheng and I will help you get revenge okay?"

Doyoung sighed, staying silent for a while. The couple just let him as they silently comforted him.

Finally, he got up.

"Alright, I'll... I'll go in there."


Hey guys :) I'm so glad school is finally over! What are you guys' summer plans?

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