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Han georeumssik
han georeumssik
han georeumssik
Gakkawojin gakkawojin
Nareul daleun
kkume bichin
Can you feel not alone?

- Not Alone by NCT 127

"I'm sorry."

Doyoung smiled as he looked at Sicheng. The younger had dragged him away from the kitchen table to talk just a few moments after he came back from the garden with Taeyong.

"I went back out to the garden to get my phone and I overheard your conversation with Taeyong hyung."

Doyoung brought the younger into a hug, and after a a few seconds of tenseness, Sicheng hugged back.

"It's fine. I was inconsiderate too. But now, we're on the same side again so let's drop it."

Sicheng nodded and the two headed to the table to eat breakfast with most of the others.

"So how are you guys' relationship lives like?" Jaemin asked as he turned to the newest five members.

"Well, Chenle and Jisung are dating, Doyoung is single, and me and Taeil hyung are aro." Kun said as he picked up a piece of fruit.

"Aro?" Johnny questioned and Taeil nodded.

"Cool. When did you find out?" Ten asked. He loved hearing about people's love lives, especially when it came to special cases like Kun and Taeil.

"Ooh, can I tell them ge?" Chenle asked as he looked at his cousin.

The elder nodded as his cousin started talking.

"Okay. So basically what happened was that Taeil hyung and Kun ge thought they liked each other right? So they confessed and started dating."

"But then, they both started realizing their feelings for each other were more of platonic than romantic."

"So, after an idiotic two months of continuing their relationship even though it was clearly all platonic but they didn't want to hurt each other's feelings, they finally talked."

"Then they both realized they were aromantic, and decided to stay as friends!"

Noises of understanding went around the room as the group ate breakfast.

After they finished eating, Doyoung headed to the library to find a book.

A few minutes later, Taeyong came and sat next to Doyoung as he was reading.

"So," he started as the younger moved over to give him more space on the couch.

"I saw you hugging Sicheng earlier. I'm assuming everything worked out?"

Doyoung smiled. "Yeah. He said he heard our conversation near the fountain and we promised to put it behind us."

The leader smiled. "That's great. What are you reading?" He asked as he gestured to the book.

"Just a love story."

"Ooh, what kind?" The elder asked as he scooted closer.

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