Part 6-Minato

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Naruto reached froward to grab the seal on Kurama's cage. But just as he was about to rip it off, his hand was swatted away.

"I already told you to stop that Naruto."

Naruto ignored the fourth's words and reached for the seal a second time, only to be swatted away once more.

This continued for a short while as Kurama sat behind the bars, waiting for Naruto to rip the seal off.

"Why do you keep trying to rip the seal off?" The fourth asked.

"Because I need to let Kurama out." Naruto replied.

"Don't trust that fox. He's only trying to manipulate you."

"I already told you that's not the case."

"Will you just listen to your own father!!" The fourth spat out in annoyance.

"How do I even know your my dad? Right now, I trust Kurama more than you."

The fourth rubbed his temples and thought of ways to win over Naruto while Kurama sat behind the bars with a bored look on his face.

"Will you just let me out already?"

"I would if I could Kurama!" Naruto shouted.

Naruto and Kurama argued back and forth until the fourth stood up and practically dragged Naruto to a corner of the sewer where Kurama couldn't hear them.

"Listen Naruto, I know how to prove that I'm your father." The fourth whispered. "Your last name is namikaze right?"

"Why would you guess that?" Naruto replied.

"Well because my last name is namikaze."

"Well my last name isn't namikaze so to me you're still a stranger."

"Well what about...uzumaki?"

Naruto's ears perked up at the mention of his last name.

"How do you know my last name?!" Naruto yelled.

"Well because your my son. What father wouldn't even know their son's name?"

Naruto's eyes started to light up as he was beginning to see that the fourth hokage could be his father.

"Well I can't stay for much longer, so take care naruto."

The fourth turned towards Kurama and started to speak.

"I know you're probably not the best guy to ask but, can you take care of my son?"


"Just like that? No 'I'm gonna eat him' or 'no way puny human'?"

"I was already planning on looking after him."

"I told you Kurama isn't that bad." Naruto said from behind the fourth. " you really have to go?"

The fourth turned back around and kneeled down to naruto's height.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I can't stay. But I can leave you with something to remember me by. I had a journal that I used to write down sealing jutsu. I want you to master the flying thunder god."

"The flying thunder god? What's that?"

"It's my signature teleportation jutsu." The fourth explained.

"But where can I find your journal?"Naruto asked.

"Lord third should have it. Just ask him for it."

The fourth hokage reached forward and pulled Naruto into a hug.

"I'm sorry I can't stay Naruto."

"What's your name?"


"I want to know my dad's name."

The fourth paused for a second before replying.


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