Part 3-Sasuke

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"I didn't chose who Indra would reincarnate into."

Naruto sat in the shallow water of his mindscape cross legged. It was obvious he was annoyed at the information given to him. "If you keep getting angry at everything we say, we won't get anywhere." Kurama stated in a bored tone.

Naruto just sent Kurama an icy glare and turned his head with a pout on his face.

With Sasuke

"Sorry Sasuke, I can't help you train today, maybe some other time." Itachi said with a tap on Sasuke's forehead. "Why not?" Sasuke whined. "Because I have a very important mission today. I can help you tomorrow."

Sasuke stood at the door in front of itachi who was putting on his shoes. "Well can you at least give me some pointers?" Sasuke asked.

"Well I really should get going." Itachi said while standing up. "Pleeeeaaaase." Sasuke whined. Itachi chuckled and kneeled down to Sasuke's hight. "Alright, show me how you throw a kunai."

Itachi handed Sasuke a kunai and walked backwards out onto the street. "Throw it at me and I'll catch it." He explained. "Isn't that kinda dangerous?" Sasuke asked cautiously. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Okay." Sasuke gripped the kunai and threw it out towards Itachi. But before it could reach him, he slid his finger into the hole in the kunai causing it to spin around his finger.

"Practice on throwing the kunai without as much spin. It will decrease the piercing power and it will become less accurate."

"Spin? But how could you tell that it was spinning.?" Sasuke asked. "Simple. It twirled around my finger."

Itachi walked up to Sasuke and handed him the kunai. "Alright, I'll be back by about tomorrow, try incorporating a fling of the wrist into your throw instead of just using your arm. I want to see if you can throw the kunai straight by the time I get back."

"Okay. Bye Itachi." Sasuke said. As Itachi walked away, Sasuke spun around an ran back inside to train like Itachi told him to. But he tripped on the stairs leading up to the front door and hit the ground. But it didn't feel like wood, in fact it felt wet.


"He fell flat on his face!" Naruto yelled in between laughs.

Sasuke pushes himself up with his arms and looked around to see a boy around his age with bright yellow hair, a floating old man, and a huge cage.

"Oww, that hurt." Sasuke said with his hand on his forehead. A wrinkly white hand extended itself in front of him. And Sasuke gladly took it and was pulled back up onto his feet.

"Greetings Sasuke. Nice to meet you." Hagaromo said in a monotone voice. "Who are you? And what is Naruto doing here?"

"I am Hagaromo, and Naruto is here because, simply put, you are brothers."

"Brothers? We're not brothers." Sasuke said almost sounding offended. "That's what I told him! We could never be brothers! Not in a million years!" Naruto yelled. "Why are you so loud?"

"What was that Sasuke!?!"

"I said you're loud." Sasuke repeated. "Oh yeah?! Well you're a jerk!" Naruto shot back.

"Stop fighting. We're not here to do so." Hagaromo stated. "We technically are right? We're here to fight Kaguya." Naruto said.

"We're not here to fight Kaguya, we're here to get you two ready to fight Kaguya." Hagaromo said, his patience being stretched thin.


"Just some rabbit person thats going to be reborn or something." Naruto said with his arms behind his head.

A tick mark appeared on Hagaromo's forehead as he grumbled in annoyance.

"Some rabbit doesn't scare me." Sasuke said while crossing his arms. "Naruto, are you sure a rabbit person even exists?"

"Of course! This guy told me!" Naruto yelled while pointing at Hagaromo.

Another tick mark appeared on hagaromos forehead.

"Can you quiet down? I don't want my ears to bleed." Sasuke said.

"Can you stop acting so high and mighty all the time?!" Naruto yelled. "See?! This is why I didn't want to bring Sasuke in on this!"

A third tick mark appeared on Hagaromo's forehead.

"You idiot."

"You wanna go right now?! I'll take you on and prove I can be hokage!"

"Well then come at me."


"ENOUGH!!!" Hagaromo yelled loud enough to shake the entire mindscape.

Naruto stopped in his tracks and Sasuke almost fell over again.

They both looked over to a fuming Hagaromo with a scared look on their face.

"SIT!!" Hagaromo ordered.

Naruto and Sasuke immediately sat down infront of Hagaromo.

"Now, it all began about 1000 years ago."

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