Part 5-The fourth hokage

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A young Sasuke was running through the streets of konoha. And it looked as if he was searching for something. He kept turning his head from side to side looking for someone special. Naruto uzumaki.

"Where could that knuckle head be?" Sasuke mumbled in annoyance.

Sasuke could feel himself getting closer to Naruto, but he didn't know why. Maybe it was an ability of the rinnegan or a side affect of him and Naruto both getting Hagaromo's chakra.

As Sasuke ran through the village, he found himself standing in front of ichiraku ramen. He could tell Naruto was here.

Sasuke walked into the ramen stand and immediately heard the loud snoring of a sleeping Naruto.

Naruto was sitting in the stool with his head laying on the counter. Sasuke shook him back and forth while yelling at him to wake up. And sure enough, he woke up.

Naruto let out a short yawn as he rubbed his eye sleepily.

"Sasuke...What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, still half asleep.

"Come on, we have to go." Sasuke replied while grabbing Naruto's arm and pulling him away from the stand.

Before long, Sasuke had dragged Naruto all the way across konoha to where he and his brother would train. "If what hagaromo said is true, then we need to start preparing for the worst." Sasuke said.

"What? But I still haven't eaten." Naruto complained. "Who's going to train us anyway?"

Sasuke got into a proud stance with his arms at his hips and said, "My big brother Itachi."

A long silence followed Sasuke's words as Naruto looked at him dumbfounded.


Another long silence came as Sasuke stood dumbfounded as well. "You don't know who Itachi is?"

"Should I know who Itachi is?"

"Of course you should, He's the most talented in the entire uchiha clan!" Sasuke yelled.

"Well I'm sorry, I don't know a thing about the uchiha!" Naruto yelled back.

"Well You should! The uchiha are the strongest clan in konoha!" Sasuke shouted.

Itachi stood in a tree overlooking Sasuke and Naruto. He let out a soft sigh before he jumped down and walked towards the duo.

"Is this the friend you told me about?" Itachi asked Sasuke.

"Yeah, this is Naruto." Sasuke replied.

"Naruto huh? That name sounds familiar." Itachi mumbled under his breath. "It's probably just my imagination."

"Well lets get started then." Itachi said enthusiastically.


Said boy jumped up in surprise at the foxes voice. "Kurama?" Naruto said out loud.

"Kurama? Who's Kurama?" Sasuke asked.

"Well uh..."

"Naruto. We need to talk."

"Can you give me a minute?" Naruto asked.

"Uh, I guess." Itachi said slowly.

Naruto sat down in a cross legged position and took refuge in his mindscape, leaving Itachi and Sasuke alone together.

"So um. I guess we could train just you and me." Itachi said.

"Yeah! Let's do that!" Sasuke yelled enthusiastically.

In naruto's mindscape

"Alright What do you need Kurama?" Naruto shouted out into the shadows behind the cell gates.

Kurama appeared behind the gates and started to explain.

"With Hagaromo gone, you're going to need someone to train you." He started.

"So I'm thinking that you open up this cage so I can help you better."

Naruto took a minute to process what the fox had told him before replying.

"So you want me to break the seal?"

"No no no. It's not really breaking the seal, it's more like, setting me free."

Naruto gave Kurama a look of doubt and Kurama was starting to give in.

"Alright I want you to break the seal. But in my defense, it's really cramped in here. I can't even wave my tails around without grazing the walls."

"I don't know, the seal is all the way up there, and I'm really tired right now." Naruto teased.

"Don't get cocky brat, I'm only letting you be my partner because father asked me to."

"Ok. Lift me up there."

Kurama did as asked and lifted Naruto up to the seal with his hand. And when Naruto was about to rip the seal off, he felt a fist land on his stomach.

"Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen so soon." An unknown voice said.

Naruto fell backwards to the ground before Kurama caught him with his other hand.

"You were supposed to rip the seal off!" Kurama yelled.

"Well something pushed me off of your hand!" Naruto shot back.

A man with bright blonde hair and a white cloak with fire at the bottom peered over Kurama's hand to see just who he had punched.

"Is that really Naruto? But he's so young." He mumbled.

"Hey you! Why'd you hit me?!" Naruto yelled up at the man.

The man looked at Naruto in confusion before Kurama dropped him onto the ground while setting Naruto down softly.

The man pushed himself up as Naruto's attention was drawn to the wording on the back of his cloak. "The fourth...hokage?" Naruto said.

"Yeah that's me." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

Naruto got up and walked towards the supposed fourth hokage with a curious look on his face. "Why would the fourth hokage be in my mindscape?"

"Better question is, why did he stop you from ripping off the seal?!" Kurama yelled.

"That damn fox is too loud, do you wanna talk somewhere else?" The fourth asked Naruto.

"No it's fine here."

The fourth looked at Naruto with a weird look on his face. "What is going on?" He asked to no one in particular.

"Why are you here?" Naruto asked.

"Because you were going to set the kyubi free." The fourth replied.



"His name is Kurama."

"It doesn't matter what his name is, he was going to kill you right after you ripped the seal off!" The fourth said while pointing to Kurama.

"Wait, If you're the fourth. Then doesn't that mean that you're the one who sealed him inside me to begin with?" Naruto asked.


"Ok well i have a question for you." Naruto said. "Why'd you chose me." Naruto asked with a small frown.

The fourth thought for a second before answering.

"Because I believed that my son could master the power of the kyubi." He answered while kneeling down to Naruto and laying a hand on his shoulder.

Naruto looked at him with a clear look of shock on his face.


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