Part 2-Naruto

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A little boy with spiky blonde hair walked through the streets of Konoha, noticing all of the stares directed at him. But they weren't stares of concern or worry. They were stares of hate.

And these stares of hate did not go unnoticed by the young blonde. "Just you wait! I'll become the hokage and then you'll all look up to me! Believe it!" the boy yelled out into the street. Some continued staring, others simply walked away.

The boy ran past the crowd of people towards his home. The home that the hokage gifted him. it wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. If anything, it was just average. Although he had the whole building to himself technically. All of the others who lived in the apartment quickly moved out when naruto moved in.

Well, he was heading home, until something stopped him in his tracks. The sound of a stomach grumbling could be heard coming from the young blonde. "Alright! It's lunch time! My favorite time!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

"Oh boy oh boy, ichiraku here I come!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards the ramen stand. "Heya Naruto, it's been awhile since you've come for some food." teuchi said seeing the blonde sit in a stool. "What can I get for ya?" He asked. "Just the usual." Naruto replied.

As the bowl of ramen was placed in front of him, naruto picked up his chop sticks and picked up some ramen. He first blowed on it then put it in his mouth. But something wasn't right. He bit down on nothing. He opened his eyes and saw nothing in his hands, and the plate in front of him was gone. He wasn't even at ichiraku anymore.


Said boy was startled to say the least when he heard his name being called out from behind him. He turned around to see a large metal cage.

Before he could comprehend what was going on, a large orange hand appeared behind the bars and landed on the ground with a loud crash. Not long after, the figure of a fox could be seen. Naruto fell back into a sitting position with a scared look on his face. the foxes nine tails came into view next. "N-Nine tails? But the kyubi's dead!" Naruto shouted in fear.

"Kurama! Don't scare the boy, he's only six!" A floating man said from above the fox. "My bad." The fox said while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

The man floated down to Naruto and extended his hand to him. Naruto felt strangely comforted by the man's presence and grabbed his hand as he was pulled back up on his feet.

"Greetings Naruto. I am Hagaromo Otsutsuki." Hagaromo spoke. "I apologize for Kurama. He can be a bit...brash."

"But I didn't even do anything." The fox replied. Naruto just stood there confused more that's anything. He had no idea who was in front of him or what was going on.

"Hey gramps, where am I?" Naruto asked still with a bit of fear. "You are in your mindscape. The place inside of your mind where Kurama is kept and where I reside as well." Hagaromo replied. "Ok. But why is it a stinky old sewer?" Naruto asked while pinching his nose. "Stop asking so many stupid questions." Kurama said in annoyance.

"Stupid?! How are they stupid?!" Naruto yelled at the fox. "Didn't I say to stop asking stupid questions?" The fox asked nonchalantly. "You didn't answer my question!" Naruto yelled back.

"Now now. We have much more important matters to discuss." Hagaromo said. "We do? Like what?" Naruto replied.

"Isn't he a little young to know of kaguya?" Kurama asked. "Is it really a good idea to put that much weight on a kid's shoulders?"

"It is necessary to defeat kaguya." Hagaromo said. "Who's kaguya?" Naruto asked. "She is known by many names. The rabbit goddess, the mother of all chakra, but she mainly goes by kaguya." Kurama replied.

"Well that was useful." Naruto mumbled under his breath. "I heard that!" Kurama yelled. "Then I guess those huge ears aren't just for show." Naruto joked.

Hagaromo cleared his throat, grabbing the other two's attention. "As Kurama said, kaguya is the 'mother' of chakra, so to speak." Hagaromo started. "She is not originally from this world, although I don't fully know where she comes from."

"Ya know, this would be more efficient if you got indra's reincarnation and talked to them both at the same time." Kurama added. "You guys keep throwing information around like kaguya and rabbits and indras, but I still have no idea what we're talking about!" Naruto yelled out into the sewer.

Kurama and Hagaromo stared at Naruto dumbfounded and the outburst. "Ha! I like this kid!" Kurama yelled.


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