Part 4-sun and moon

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"This is way too much to take in!"

"You know, for once I agree with him. This is a lot of information."

Sasuke sat crosslegged in the shallow, rippling water next to naruto, who was jumping up and down with a distressed look on his face.

"I mean, how does this even make sense? I'm the reincarnation of the son of a god, who is the son of another god, who is also an alien, and is also the ten tails, and the originator of chakra, who's coming up with this stuff?" Sasuke asked Hagaromo rhetorically.

"You can chose whether or not you want to believe it. But know that no matter what you chose, this world is in danger." Hagaromo says in his usual monotone voice.

"Why can't you fight Kaguya!? Naruto yelled. "You beat her before didn't you?!"

"We're you even listening?" Sasuke asked as if naruto was stupid.

"Of course I was listening!" Naruto shot back.

"You two are even worse than Indra and Asura."

"Can I leave please?!" Naruto asked Hagaromo. "I was in the middle of eating a delicious bowl of ramen, and I want to get back to it."

Hagaromo sighed. "You can leave soon, but only after I leave you with a little parting gift."

Naruto's head perked up at this.

"Gift? What gift?"

"I will be lending you each half of my chakra, to aid you in defeating Kaguya." Hagaromo explained.

"So that's it? You're just gonna leave us with your chakra and your problems?" Sasuke asked.

"Essentially yes... I MEAN NO!"

Naruto and Sasuke let out a small chuckle at the old mans antics, and as Hagaromo looked at them both, a smile grew on his face. Then he too let out a laugh.

"Alright, come here." He said calmly. Naruto and Sasuke did as he said and stood in front of the floating man.

"Hold out your dominant hand."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other in confusion and then back to Hagaromo, extending out their dominant hand as he ordered. Hagaromo laid both his hands over theirs and started transferring his chakra to them.

"For you Naruto, I will be granting you the ability of six paths sage mode, and knowledge of all earthly things. And for you Sasuke, I will be granting you the power of my eyes, the rinnegan."

As Hagaromo's chakra began to seep into Naruto and Sasuke, two marks started to appear on their palms. A white sun on Naruto's right, and a black moon on Sasuke's left. But those weren't the only changes.

Naruto's pupils shifted into rectangles with a slit through the middle and his irises turned a yellowish orange color.

Sasuke's left eye pulsated as it turned a dark purple with black rings increasing in size around the pupil.

Naruto and Sasuke pulled back their arms slowly and stood speechless in front of Hagaromo.

"Now that I have given you my chakra, I can't stay here for much longer, so I will be on my leave." Hagaromo said.

"Oh, we'll see ya later gramps. Or not." Naruto said sadly. "Will we ever see you again?"

"Most likely no, but I hope that is not the case." Hagaromo answered as his body started becoming transparent. "Make sure to beat Kaguya."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other then back at hagaromo and nodded with looks of determination. A smile formed on Hagaromo's face as his body disappeared into nothingness.

"So...what now?" Naruto asked.

"Uh...I'm not sure." Sasuke replied.

Naruto and Sasuke stood in the rippling water in an awkward silence as they waited for something to happen. And sure enough, that something came. Naruto and Sasuke's bodies began to turn transparent like Hagaromo's.

"Well, See ya later Sasuke."

"Later Naruto."

With Sasuke

Sasuke felt himself waking up, but he didn't remember falling asleep. In fact, he wasn't even in his bed. And what was that noise?

"-suke. Sasuke! SASUKE!! WAKE UP!!"

Sasuke opened up his eyes to see his mother, father, and Itachi staring down at him with looks of concern.

"He's waking up!" Itachi said.

Sasuke sat up and held his head with one hand. He let out a small groan and opened his right eye. "What happened?" He asked.

"You tripped on the stairs and passed out." Itachi explained.

"I...did?" Sasuke replied.

Sasuke opened his left eye to see better and heard gasps from his family.

"Sasuke, your eye!" His mother exclaimed.

"What about it?" Sasuke asked calmly.

Mikoto ran into he house and came back with a handheld mirror and handed it to Sasuke. Sasuke held it up to his face as he looked into his rinnegan.

"So it wasn't a dream."

Hey there the 50 odd readers of this fanfic.

Sorry I took so long to make this part, I would say why but, I just didn't feel like it.

But it's up now.


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