Chapter 16: The Pit - Amy

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Waking up to Vin is screaming in pure rage. The fury in his voice is echoing around this room, and it's so filled with rage. He's yelling at them and believes I'm gone, but I'm back. I'm alive. Someone returned me to this room and the boys.

Vin is standing here shirtless, shaking his fist and yelling at the ceiling. Looking up, I see we are in an observation operating room. I remember now, all that happened in here. We're married...

Glancing down at myself, I'm now wearing a silky white gown, but I do not remember putting this on. Then I see Jay is lying on the floor. What did he do to him? I'm so confused. What just happened? Did I see a golden angel? Was that Amanda?

"You fucking bastards! What is wrong with all of you? Why are you doing this to us?" Vin screams.

I've never seen him so furious, but I feel that same rage and confusion. The problem is that I have no energy to fight this anymore. They took my blood... Almost all of my blood.

Sitting up, I look at the floor and Jay has not moved.

Did Vin kill him? They were fighting so viciously, punching and knocking each other around over me.

We hear a voice from the speakers above us, but it's garbled like the microphone is broken. "She is... will be treated... Please lower... and go to her. She needs to... loved." The man says.

Turning to look at me, Vin runs over with a shocked look in his eyes. He reaches for me, wraps his arms around my body to shield me from them. Before he speaks, Vin checks to make sure I am fine.

I ask, "Vin, what happened? I had the strangest dream and..."

He rubs my arms and looks me over to make sure they did not hurt me.

"Baby, you were gone... they took you away from me. What did they do to you? You look so pale and you're so cold." Vin says and then he sees the marks on my arms.

He turns to the men above with a malicious look.

"What did you do to her?" He screams with such a bellow and hatred in his voice that I'm scared.

They are quiet for a few moments and then we hear, "Amelia is... she is perfect... proud of... The three of you have combined our empire and we are very pleased to put an end to the conflict. Now it is time to consummate your relationship."

There must be over 100 men that want to watch us and I feel the bile rise again.

Vin screams, "You sick bastards!"

Jay is still lying on the floor. He's breathing. I can see his chest rising and falling, but he has not woken up yet. The memory of what went on is foggy. But they were fighting each other and their jealousy, I remember.

The voice says, "Amelia, do not be afraid. None of this was your fault. For years we have been grooming you for this moment. You've been trained and drawn towards this lifestyle using medication and mental persuasion. This is exactly what we wanted for you, and it will be awe-inspiring. Amelia, you will be the mother of powerful children. These children will never know diseases of any kind. They will be intelligent and beautiful. You're capable of so much and you don't even know it yet."

My God, these people are crazy.

"Why? What is this all for? Why are you doing this to me? Are you going to take my children away from me?" I scream.

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