Chapter 10: Mother - Amy

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These people stole a part of me, they took from my mother and they must pay for all they've done to us. Just when I think it can't just any worse, it does, and this makes me more vengeful than ever before. My poor mom has no idea they stole her ovaries and God only knows how many of her children are out there.

"Where are these Cyborg mothers? We need to end this. These children are my family, my siblings, that they are giving away to the highest bidder. Wait, who do they used to fertilize the eggs?" I ask.

Mr. Goodwin looks at me.

He says with sadness, "Whoever orders one, shells out the money, and gives the DNA for the child. They order the baby however they wish, and their team makes the child for the new parents. There is no sperm needed when making a clone, just DNA and an ovum. Then the member orders blonde hair, brown hair, boy, girl or a carbon copy and that is what they receive."

"Holy shit!" I say in a whisper.

He continues, "In the past, they made errors, ones that didn't come out right, and these were kept as slaves, we believe. This is why we stopped the process, but the Community must have continued it since Mark is still alive. They have built up an army of these things, while we have volunteers willing to defend what's ours. It's so wrong, morally and ethically wrong in so many ways. Plus, once you purchase one of these babies, they have you."

"What do you mean, dad?" Jay asks.

He answers, "Son, I've been blackmailed for years because we wanted a little girl. Those who found out and fought them ended up either dead or destroyed. The rest of us that were against them were told that if we didn't conform, they would ruin our lives. It's illegal to clone a human being, so they had that over anyone with one of these children. Mark made everyone sign an agreement, so unless you wanted to go to jail and have your child taken away, you kept your mouth shut."

Listening to Mr. Goodwin, I realize why he kept this secret. This was for Beth. He loved his daughter and did not want her to be taken away. What a terrible decision he had to make.

"This is the reason you kept your identity from him. You could not tell Vin he was your nephew," I state as he nods.

James answers, "Sara kept everything from him and when Mark died, I thought everything would change, but soon found out that this was not the case. We fought them, back then and thought we had won, but it was worse. In their will, I did not get custody of Calvin and was told that if I or any member of our family interfered with him, a letter would automatically go out to the press about what I had done. All of this was going to be blamed on me and they made up proof to back their claim."

Jay looks so upset and angry.

The reason he has been lied to and manipulated is all over his sister being a clone and Mark trying to keep his secrets by ripping his entire family apart.

He turns to Jay and says, "I am sorry, Jacob. When we had you, it was like a miracle. We were so happy, but then your mother wanted to have another child. We were unsuccessful for many years, so I agreed to be a part of their Human Genome Project. Mom wanted a little girl, so I got an egg donor and we went through the process. Once Elizabeth was born, we were so happy, but that's when I found out the whole truth. Mark confronted all of us and he ordered the new parents to do his bidding. He would force the millionaires and billionaires alike, to make insane deals that would aid the Roth Corporation. Mark made so much money on blackmailing us, he was set for life and then some. When he died, I believed we were free from his grasp, but soon found out that his team of lawyers and board of directors came after anyone who didn't continue to pay. Basically, if the Roth Corporation asked something from you, it was given, freely or face the courts, their lawyers or worse."

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