Chapter 15

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Ahsoka flashed up in bed suddenly as her chest quickly rose and fell the sweat dripping down her forehead.

Her eyes shot around the room as the sharp ringing contained on like the possibly loudest thing ever.

"Lux?" Her voice shook out as she reached beside her but he was gone.

Ahsoka scrambled out of the bed as she grabbed her lightsabers carefully from the nightstand. She stalked around in the darkness of the hotel, the beeping only perusing louder and louder.

"Lux?" She gushed out again as she watched all corners of her, prepared for any jump attack.

She turned around swiftly as she heard the faint sound of heavy breathing.

She drew the white tip of her lightsaber out towards them as in the faintly lighted light it was revealed to be Lux.

He was scrunched up against the corner of the wall as his whole body shook, his eyes swelled with tears, his hands gripping around his legs in strain, as his nails braced against his skin tightly as he rocked back and forth muttering to himself.

"Lux-" she placed her hand gently on his face as he seemed to be lost, to be gone in the nightmare.

Ahsoka looked up around her lustfully as she saw the small flashing that came from the small red box near the ceiling.

"Attention an emergency has been detected in the building, please find the nearest stairwell and get to safety," an automated voice broke through the ringing as she felt Lux suddenly grab her arm.

"Lux, it's ok it's just a fire drill," She spoke softly to him as she put her lightsabers away.

She looked back into his stuck fearful gray eyes. She offered her hand up to him and she stood up. He looked at her nervously.

"It's Ok Lux," she grinned at him softly as his fingers trickled wearily into her palm.

He stood up in a shaking matter as Ahsoka held his hand.

She threw open the door and rushed them both out of there where another family was emerging from their room.

"Where are the fire stairs!?" Ahsoka muttered to herself as she raced him down the hallway. 

Lux dragged behind her, his conscious still blurred and distant, trapped in some world, trapped somewhere far. 

Ahsoka continued to look around as the tiredness was seen on her face, her blue eyes often trailing off to the family behind them. She looked around desperately as her eyes caught sight of the glowing red letter,s the sign that she instantly knew where the exit stairs. 

She glanced behind them at the family one more time before she let go of the comfort of Lux's hand and pushed the door open. 

"Please, go through here," She smiled at the younglings as the family dashed through the opening, Lux almost tittering down to the floor beside her. 

"Thank you," One of the dads cried out as he picked up his youngest child, his husband carrying the rest in front. 

She blinked slowly at them as her senses looked for anyone else on the floor, there was no one else, no one else but Lux beside her. 

Ahsoka glanced over at him in concern as he still seemed lost and confused. She didn't hesitate as she wrapped both her arms around his waist and flopped him over her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry but I have to get you to safety," She whispered to him as he squirmed around her hold. 

She looked around the hall quickly before she dashed down the stair, the heavy door slamming shut behind her. 

Lux was surprisingly pretty light as she rushed step down after step as she followed the family she had held the door for. She carried her pace the same and speedy as she watched out for any sign of smoke, for any sign of incoming fire. 

If there was one thing she could know, was that she wasn't losing him, not this time, not again, after all these years, after all the times she lost him she couldn't do it again. 

"You're going to be ok," She forced the tear out of her eyes as she rubbed her hands gently on him, as she tried to pick up the pace, they just needed to get away from that building to a safe distance. 

Part of her didn't know what to say to him. Part of her didn't know how to be there for him. Part of her was still saddened by what she had learned. Part of her wished she could have done more than just cuddled him last night. Part of her wished she said something, she wished she could have said something but she was too afraid that she would say something stupid. 

She gasped out suddenly as she slid Lux gently to the floor when the cold outside hit her skin, as she ran them all far away from the building. 

Lux stared up at her blanky with this new innocent profound face, as she collapsed on the hard ground next to him, the car running down speedily on the nearby road. She didn't even look around her, or at the building, just down on the ground, the black gravel that marked the floor. 

She listened carefully as she made the yammering of all the people around her fade out  in her ears. Lux's breathing became steadily known beside her as she tried to listen out for the waves, for the big loud crashing that landed on the training tan floor, the sand, one of the very things her master had hated. 

Anakin; her master, Maser Skywalker-

She squinted her eyes as her thoughts began to whirl to him, as the faint crashing she had found reminded her of the sand, as she thought of him, and his smile and his laugh, and his arrogance. 

The past does really comes back to haunt, anyone, and everyone. 

She peered open her closed eyes as she looked over at Lux, whose thin mouth was moving, but there was no sound, she couldn't hear him, only the cries, and his face, and how Anakin turned- the crashing of the waves increasing to a hateful volume. 

"Ahsoka!" His small accent-filled voice broke everything off as she stared blanket at him. 

He rose to his feet when he had seen that his voice finally registered to him. He's stuck his hand out gently to her as her big blue eyes traveled up to his mystical gray eyes that she could recently find herself getting lost in. 

"It wasn't real, someone pulled the alarm as some kind of joke or something," He explained as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. 

"Oh," She let out softly as she brushed her fingers into the chilling warmness of his hands. 

"Are you okay?" He breathed out to her softly in the air, as in the corner of her eye she saw everyone shuffling back into the building. 

"Oh-, yeah," Ahsoka boggled with her mind within, as she let her arm fall onto his shoulder. "Are you ok?" 

"I am now," Lux grinned that adorable, attractive, docile smile as he led her with the movement of the crowd. as the dark shadows from the vast night made his eyes glow brighter, as she found herself staring deep down into them, her soul lifted away endlessly. 

Lol this actually happened to my mom and I while we were in myrtle beach XD. It was like 4 AM or something ahha, except we didn't make it outside or down the exit before the alarm turned off and was revealed just to be a mistake ahha. 

Luxsoka~𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now