Chapter 5

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"Oh, I used to love road trips as a youngling. Of course, the separatist meeting was boring, I mean we were just kids, and even though we would all bicker in the speeder all the time, oh gosh, those were good times," Lux shook his head as his mind was flooded with the nostalgic memories. He rubbed his overly fluffy hair as an airy laugh escaped his lips. 

Ahsoka adjusted her position as her right leg began to tingle with stiff numbness. It was almost like it was dead, and soon it would awaken with a constant uncomfortable buzzing, but this was all the fun of the experience. 

"You know I've never ever really been on a road trip, or vacation really for that matter. Sure I've traveled to far places with-" Suddenly she stopped dead in her words, she couldn't find it within herself to say their names. Not like this, not after what had happened, they deserved better. They should be here, and it pained her so unbelievably deep. So deep that sometimes she didn't even know how to breathe. 

"We would travel far to other places but that was for missions, and always by ship," She continued as she tried to hide her broken voice, but he understood, he was Lux. 

"Ha, that must have been an adventure," Lux let out a short honest laugh. "Well, I guess I have the honor of taking you on your first road trip, huh?" 

It's almost like he could hear her thoughts in his own mind. Her eyes were threatened by tears, and Lux could just change the conversation, even the slightest bit. 

Sure, ignoring your pain isn't the best way to handle things, but you don't always have to give yourself into it.  

"I'm surprised you even went on road trips, because your family as you know, luxurious," Ahsoka's words weren't careful, but she didn't have to be anyone but herself with Lux, or now, well whoever she was now. 

"Ha!" Lux burst out in a peal of sudden dying laughter as he tried his best to keep the steering wheel steady. 

"That is true, but they had kids who weren't as formal; and uptight as them. I'm pretty sure my parents enjoyed them too, or we wouldn't have done them," His laugh was infectious as it spread to Ahsoka like a disease, one that would be enjoyed. 

"Have you've ever been where you are taking me?" Ahsoka pulled her laughter together as her crisp blue eyes latched onto Lux's side profile. 

Lux thought for a moment as his endless grey eyes caught sight of her's

"I think once before but we are staying on a different side of it," 

"A Different side of it?" She didn't really know anything about vacationing or where they were going for that matter. 

"Yes, it will make more sense when we get there," Lux flipped on his left turn signal before he spun the steering wheel which caused the speeder to move in the same direction as they traveled off the exit. 

The voice on the box responded in a way to get back onto the route, but Lux simply ignored it as he turned into a parking lot. 

"Are we here? Because that box thing is getting angry at you," Ahsoka tried to look around with curious eyes as it didn't look like something they would drive this far for. 

"Oh no, this isn't our destination, my apologies. I just really need to use the refresher'"

There was the same click as from when she first got into the car.

"Oh wait really!? Thank goodness because I really need to pee," Ahsoka flew open the car door before she sprung to the black pavement. 

She could hear Lux's response of uncontrollable giggles as they walked around the tail of the speeder. 

They had been sitting for the longest time, and they were as stiff as the roots of the various trees they had passed along the way. 

They met at the end of the speeder and she now saw him in full length. 

He still happened to stand a bit taller than her, and even over the years, it didn't even seem like they grew taller at all. Like almost the way it was when they had first met. But of course, as always the war had changed them. 

They came a long way from when they have met. Less naive, troubled, experienced, pained through loss. At least when Lux's mom died he was strong, he even spoke out against Dooku for his action and unfair hatred. 

There was something that Lux held on his tongue, as he looked Ahsoka in her deep divine crystal eyes. 

He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, he had almost, but he knew to hold it back. After all, now wasn't the time, he wouldn't do that to her, not in this chaos, even if he meant it as a friend.

Ahsoka stared up at him with wide eyes as if she knew he was about to say something.

"Oh, I should probably get gas afterward," He probably should, and he guessed it would be a good fill-in.

"Ok," She gave him a gently closed grin before he tried to scratch his long thin legs a little bit.

They continued on as they walked side by side together down the stone pathway. There were a few plants and flowers poking their way up through the little cracks of the stone. They were quiet as they walked through the open doors. There were a few people, of all different species around.

Lux looked around carefully as he kept himself close to her.

"Over there," Ahsoka pointed gently to the left wall where there was the sign for the refresher'

"Ok, um, we can meet-" He turned around searching for a place to meet up when they are done.

"Ha, how about there?" There was some odd little claw machine that stood dusty and forgotten about near a window.

"Alright," Lux nodded with his cute small grin before he walked through the door labeled "men's"

Ahsoka stood there for a moment, completely motionless, she wasn't quite sure what it was, as she took a deep sharp breath.

She then shook her head to try her best to snap out of it, before she walked through the door labeled "ladies" 


Hello :>


Have a good day all of you really!! :>

also lol sorry this chapter was kinda like a fill-in. 

Luxsoka~𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now