Chapter 6

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Hey! This chapter is kinda short and is kind of like a small fill-in, but something important happens towards the end. 

Remember everyone that you are loved, forever and Always. 

"Do you want to stop for dinner first, or check-in at the hotel and then g?" Lux's eyes flicked towards the GPS as he laid out the options for her.

"Um, I have no idea-" She let out a sudden half lush in her slight confusion.

"Maybe we should just see what's open?" Lux shrugged gently as his eyes began to scan the road, reading every sign.

Ahsoka's eyes followed his lead before she leaned over to get a better view.

"Ah, here we g- Pantega, Bernard's, IJump," They were brought to a plaza that consisted of restaurants that only left Ahska with an increased flutter of confusion.

"Um you choose, I've never been to any of these," She never really got the option for a decision for what she would eat, all she really did eat was the government-issued rations.

"Alright, the best one out of that is Pantega,"

He pulled into the nearest parking space as Ahsoka was overcome by a yawn, that lifted up from her abdomen.

"here I will go in, and get us something and we can eat it in the hotel," Lux suggested with a light but faint smile.

He placed the setting in park mode before he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Ok, that sounds good," Ahsoka nodded quickly at him before he reached down by her legs to grab a small purple bag.

"I will be right back Soka'," he smiled at her brightly before he skipped out the car door.

She immediately leaned forwards without waiting and opened up his glove compartment.

She didn't know exactly what she was looking for, but she had to investigate it, she had to look more into him right now, especially after all these years.

There were some loose papers, registration of the vehicle and stuff, a copy of his driver's license, a blaster which was badly hidden under a flap of black felt. Nothing interesting, well except the fact of wondering if he could shoot the blaster.

Then there it was a box. A locked box gave that. Ahsoka held it was wrong to be doing this but as she held the cold silver metal in her hand she clicked open the lock. With her tool f the force. She peered back over her seat to see if he was coming but luckily he was still inside.

She flipped through the random small objects that covered the envelopes that sat at the bottom. They weren't labeled, but they looked important, private.

Why keep this in your speeder? Ahsoka wondered curiously before something she missed in the glove compartment stood out to her.

She grabbed the small rectangular piece of smooth printed plastic in her cracked hand.

The front and center of the card was a picture of Lux, it was a nice picture. He looked happy, maybe not fully happy but at least a base of happiness.

The card was branded by the name Corscaunt Berkley Memorial Hospital. A hospital. Her eyes trailed down to under his picture where it read his name; Lux Bonteri, and underneath in small print: Intern.

Ahsoka held the card in her hand for another minute, before she saw Lux slowly approaching the speeder carrying a brown paper bag.

She threw the ID badge in the glove box but he was in before she could put back the metal box.

"Started investigating?" He was right about it as he slid his legs under the steering wheel.

Ahsoka just glared at him with curious eyes.

"You want to know what's in the envelope, don't you?" His eyes turned soldom as she gently handed him the box.

"This-" He held up the very first envelope. "Is my will, as well as other important information to go along with it," His voice was still gentle as he held up the other two. "My parents will, and billing, life insurance, and contact information," Lux swallowed before he gently placed the enevlo[es back in the box.

Ahsoka hadn't thought it was anything of that sort.

Ahsoka lost people, yes, but she never had to deal with the will and the expenses that come afterward. She didn't even have a will of her own, when she was with the Jedi, they would just take care of all of it, after all, you didn't have a family, you weren't suppose to have attachments. 

They were young, too young to have a will, but then again the war was their upbringing. It was an era of death and tragedy and now, just now she thought of who would have to take care of his mother's death. Not even to mention that their deaths were so close together that everything with his father passing wasn't completely done being taken care of-

"I'm sorry," Ahsoka blurted out width tears swelled in her eyes as the tragedy clouded her.

"Oh, n, really 'Soka, it's ok, I fully understand, please don't worry about it," He really wasn't mad.

If he was she would tell, he wasn't always the best at lying well, either that or after the events with the deathwatch she could just tell.

She carefully relocked the box before she slid it into the glove compartment, she closed it afterward before she stared at Lux for a moment. Maybe she didn't have to figure him out, maybe he was just more mature, still overly sweet, still intelligent, still charming.

A new path, new responsibilities, but maybe somehow he was the same Lux Maybe it was her that she really needed to figure out. 


hahaa sorry kinda went from some just normal getting foodstuff to investigating to angst. 


Love you soooo much :>

Luxsoka~𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now