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I swallow the huge lump that has formed in my throat and I put the paper in the bin on my way out.

I walk through the corridors, I can sense multiple eyes judging me all at once. People pointed and laughed. I get barged into a lot.

"Watch where you're going fatty!" I hear someone shout to me.

I go into the washroom with tears in my eyes. My breathings rapid. I needed release. I grab a hair clip from my bag and I pull out my lighter. I heat the metal over the flame and I pull up my sleeve.

I press the metal onto my wrist. My skin singeing and burning. I pull it off and gaze at the red burned skin beneath me. I grab my penil sharpener and unscrew the blade.

I drag the blade along my wrist multiple times until I'm satisfied. I screw the blade back in place and toss the pencil case back into my bag.

I stare at my wrist. The blood dripping off into the sink. The door swings open and a girl barges in, her blonde hair in perfect curles and her green eyes pinpointed at my cut wrist. I quickly pull my sleeve over my cuts.

"Ew, you're bleeding." She said disgustedly.

"Yeah. I hit my arm..." I lie.

"Bullshit." She coughs.

"Excuse me?"

"I know you're cutting yourself." She sighs. "Look I don't know you and you don't know me but you're gonna get your white jumper all bloody so let me help clean you up."

"Fine." I sigh. I pull up my sleeve slightly, only revealing the new cuts.

"How do you do this to yourself?" She gasped and took hold of my arm.

"I have to feel something. I need release."

She runs the tap and puts my wrist under it. The blood washes off and she grabs a plaster from her purse.

"Here." She unpeals the plaster and smooths it over my wounds.


"I'm Bella by the way!" She smiles softly.

"I'm Jade."

"I love that name!" She exclaims.

"Thanks." I smile.

She smiles back. "So, shall we forget this whole washroom incident?"

"I think that's best." I reply. "Thank you for helping me."

"Anytime." She bounces up and out of the door.

I gather my things and look at myself in the mirror.

"I look terrible." I mutter. I grab some concealer and dab the dark circles away, I give my lashes an extra coating of mascara and I brush out my messy eyebrows.

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