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My eyes opened slowly due to my exploding head ache. I was in an unfamiliar place. I peered around and saw my clothes scattered around the white room. Then I remembered. I jumped up and grabbed my things. I slipped into my hoodie and leggings and dashed out of the flat. I looked around and grabbed my phone. I rang Dan's number.


"Hey J, where are you I'm worried sick!" Dan sounded frustrated.

"I don't know." I cried.

"Turn your GPS on and Facebook me." He panicked. I turned my GPS on and messaged him.

"Okay babe, I'll be there as soon as I can." He hung up.


Dan stepped out of the car and ran toward me.

"Baby where did you go!" He cried as he pulled me into an embrace.

"I...went for a walk and I got lost." I lied.

"Jade you smell of weed." Dan said worryingly.

"Yeah you can never come round here and not come back smelling of the stuff." I sighed. I opened the door and sat in the car. My body was still trembling and thoughts flew around my mind like a hurricane.


As I stepped into the apartment I took a deep breath. I walked into the bedroom and put on my purple galaxy top and my black jeans. The thoughts of the man and the rape replayed over and over in my head.

I looked at my shoulder where the belt had whacked against my flesh cutting deep into my skin.

"You ready." Dan asked calmly, his chocolate eyes asking many questions.

"Ready as ever." I sighed. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

I steadily walked down the steps outside the door and got into the the black car. I clicked my seatbelt in place and unlocked my phone. I had no new messages but a Facebook notification.

Charlie Mandel tagged you in a post.

"Who the fuck is Charlie." I muttered to myself. I clicked on the post and waited as several pictures loaded onto my screen. My eyes popped in horror as several nude photos of me were displayed in front of my eyes. Tears started brewing up but I blinked them away. I untagged myself from the post but it was too late. Millions of comments started flooding in.

Little slut!

Are those cuts on her wrist? Hah emo loser!

She's anorexic and emo!

I messaged 'Charlie'.

Me: I don't know who you are, but take down those photos now!

I waited for a reply. My phone buzzed.

Charlie: that's rude. You seemed to know who I was last night.

My stomach started knotting up and my head started banging. It was the rapist. As Dan pulled into college I got out of the car and ran off to the bathroom without even kissing Dan goodbye.

I locked myself imside a cubicle and shut the toilet lid. I sat down and put my head in my hands. Tears started pouring from my sore, bloodshot eyes. I wiped them away but they kept pouring out. I bit my lip hard but I felt nothing. I reached in my bag and realized I'd left my lighter at home. The only thing I had with me was my bottles of pills.

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