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After hours of watching Murder House and Asylum Dan grabbed a pillow and dozed off. I checked my phone.

I looked up at Dan and admired his adorable sleeping pouty face. I shuffled up and kissed his cheek. I rested my head on his warm chest. I reached up to place my arm on his shoulder but my sleeve lowered revealing my red, torn wrists. I quickly pulled my sleeve up but Dan grabbed my wrist. He examined my wrist and ran his finger along each of the wounds. He looked at me and kissed my forehead softly. He snuggled into me and held me close.

"I love you Jade." He whispered softly.

"I love you too Dan." I smiled.


The morning sun woke me up. I looked around and I could not see Dan. Suddenly, I smelled the perfect smell of eggs and bacon. I clambered off the sofa and checked my phone. I had one text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Lose some weight you fucking faggot. You're so frail you can't even kill yourself right! Hasn't anyone ever told you it is down the highway not across the road. You make me so sick. You fat, ugly bitch.

I locked my phone and slid my back down the wall until I was sat down. I grasped my legs tight on my chest. My wrists started itching, I needed release. I reached up and wiped the non existent tears from my cheeks. I was emotionless. I was numb. I wanted to feel something. I rummaged around my draws but Dan had hidden all my blades. I wrote a note and stuck it on the desk.

Just popped out for some fresh air - Jade X

I grabbed my purse and crept out of the apartment. I headed down to the nearby gas station and entered the shop. I felt and looked like utter crap. I wandered around until I noticed a girl buying cigarettes, she looked about 2 years younger than me.

I grabbed some lighters from the till and asked for a box of cigarettes. I handed over the money and took the lighters and the cigarettes.

I walked down to the park and sat on a bench. I grabbed the lighters and took one out. I grabbed a metal hair pin from my pocket and held it above the flame. I pulled up my sleeve and placed the hot metal on my arm. I winced at the pain and took a deep breath. I felt trapped. I took out a cigarette and held it in my fingers. I lit the end and placed it in my mouth. I felt calm, as I breathed in the toxins it instantly calmed me. I took another puff and leaned back. I felt like time had stopped, like I didn't care about anything anymore. I liked it. I took one last puff and dropped it on the floor and stomped on it.

I checked my wrist, there was a large, deep burn mark from my hair pin, I sighed. I packed up my things and checked my phone.

Dan: J where are you, I miss you. Come home xxx

I locked my phone and began to make my way home.


I unlocked the door and crept in.

"Jade!" Dan sighed he walked up to me and snaked his arms around my waist. I didn't respond.

"Jade you smell of fags." Dan stated.

"I..." I tried to speak but I broke down in tears.

"J baby!" Dan yelped, he watched as I crashed to my knees. He knelt down beside me. I took out the box of cigarettes and lighters and handed them to him. He sighed.

"I needed...release." I cried, I fell into Dans arms as he kissed my cheek. He pulled up my sleeve.

"Oh J..." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I needed something to cope." I mumbled under the tears that were smothering my face. I felt like I couldn't breath, my palms were sweating up and my breathing grew rapid.

"Jade, deep breaths Jade!" Dan managed to remain calm. When I had returned my breathing to usual I rolled over and rested my head on Dan's chest. He flung his arms around me and rested his chin on my temple.

"Did you smoke." The lethal question injected into my ears. I nodded shyly. Dan reached over and grabbed the cigarettes and threw them into the trash.

I looked up into Dans brown eyes. He gazed into my ocean blue eyes and kissed my lips softly. He ran his fingers through my hair sending a tingle down my spine. Dan stood up and picked me up in his arms. I kissed him again and hugged him tight.

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