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The court was huger than I expected when I first walked in. The rows were all embossed with patterns on the mahogany. The chairs were a red velvet and the judge was on a highly detailed desk with a marble hammer and a white wig. After hours of debating he was ready to conclude.

"For the distribution of child pornography we find the defendant. Guilty." A wave of relief swept through my body. Dan squeezed my hand.

"On the charge of sexual assault we find the defendant. Guilty." I turned to Dan and hugged him tight. The police officers handcuffed Charlie and took him away.

"Thank god." I grinned.

"I told you it would be alright!" Dan smiled as he pulled me into another hug.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you!" I buried my head in his chest.


Things at college have been different since then. Nobody mentions the nudes anymore. I walked down the hallway with Tyler.

"You did it!" He grinned.

"I know, but I wouldn't of without you or Dan!" I smiled back.

"So what's next on our bestie to do list?"

"Stand up to Harper." I noticed her trying to flirt with Dan. I walked on over the her and Dan and he pulled me over into a hug.

"Hey J. Have you met Harper?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah I have." I glared at Harper with my evilest eyes. I could sense Tyler giggling behind us as Harper gave me a sour look.

"Oh right." Dan continued.

"Yeah you're dating an anorexic emo." Harper muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me." I replied.

"Oh nothing." Harper choked. I felt Dan's arm clutch my waist more so I swung around and met his lips.

"Hey there Jade." Dan breathlessly giggled. Harper stormed off down the hall and Tyler skipped over with a huge grin on his face.

"You go girl!" He laughed with a strong american accent.

"Hey do you want to come back to ours and watch some movies." Dan asked.

"We can make a pillow fort!" I butted in.

"Oh my god! Is that okay?" Tyler gasped.

"Sure it is!" Dan replied.

"I'll be over in 10!" Tyler grinned as he skipped off.

"Let's go." I grabbed Dan's hand and we walked off down the hall.


"Okay Tyler will be here in about 5!" I called to Dan.

"Yeah! I'm just making popcorn!" Dan replied.


When Tyler finally arrived we watched literally about the whole season of american horror story, we drunk about 3 bottles of vodka and wkd. We played never have I ever and well...I got very drunk. After that Tyler called a cab and went home.

"My head hurts." I slurred over to Dan.

"Get some water." Dan grunted from under the duvet. I hobbled over to the kitchen and poured myself some water. I downed it quickly and grabbed some paracetamol and swallowed it dry. I clambered back into bed and closed my eyes.

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