chapter 19: Like Callisto to a star no longer in Kansas

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Following close behind Skids, Johnny Bifrost, Moon Knight, Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Powerman were led deeper into a series of mazelike tunnels. After several minutes Skids hesitated. “At the end of this tunnel is one of the Marauders’ lair. Callisto is being kept here, I'm sure of it. Bring her to me and i will keep my end of the bargain and take you to Mister Fear.”

“what can you tell us about the rest of these Marauders?” Daredevil asked.

“At one point there were several of them with varying abilities camped all throughout the tunnels, but after the X-Men fought back and time passed there should only be a couple. The only one i could speak of for sure is Arclight, whom you fellas have already had the displeasure of having met.” Skids reported.

“And Callisto? Will she be of any help to us?” Moon Knight questioned.

“She actually lost her he abilities in the decimation event, but our patron Quicksilver restored them to her through the implementation of the Terrigen Crystals. She has drastically enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, and senses. Assuming she is not wounded and still alive, once she's freed from whatever bondage she's in i know she'll fight alongside a rescue party.” Skids explicated.

“We will rescue your friend.” Iron Fist assured Skids and bowed to her.

“Just keep an eye on Widow and Ms. Knight for us. We'll meet back with you in the processing tank you showed us. If we don't come back, please hold out and return our companions to the surface.” Daredevil negotiated.

“Will do.” Skids nodded and then brushed Johnny’s arm in passing as she turned to leave. “Good luck.”

At the end of the passage was a door of Steel alloy, fashioned similar to the hatch of a submarine with a spoked wheel that must be turned to open it. The door had been locked from the inside. Luke Cage approached and forcibly turned the wheel, attempting to break the internal locking mechanism and gain entry to the room.


The room beyond the door was a circular processing plant. A five foot walkway with no ran the circumference of the chamber. The walkway was 20 feet above the floor and the door that opened onto it was the only entrance/exit. Beneath the walkway, on the opposite side of the tank a large pipe extended from the wall. Water was spewing from the pipe, filling the chamber. The water sat at a height of five feet as the three Marauders in the room became aware of the sound of the screeching lock.
Arclight stood with partially repaired armor and a bandaged temple at the ready, directly above the pipe and across from the door. Diagonal from her to the right, and just to the left of the door stood her fellow Marauder Vertigo.

Vertigo was a Savage Land Mutate, a native to the forbidden zone, and had been hand selected as one of Mister Sinister’s elite assassins. She was a seemingly young woman with a lithe and tan body, with unnaturally green hair flowing to her hips. Her outfit complimented this with green swirls over black. After receiving artificial genetic enhancement from Mister Sinister Vertigo had boosted her ability to project psionic distortions with her voice into her environment that affect the nervous systems of her intended targets with symptoms of severe nausea, disorientation, and hence her pseudonym Vertigo.

Prolonged exposure to her voice has even rendered many unconscious. Across from Vertigo and on the right of the door, Arclight’s diagonal left, stood Harpoon.

Harpoon was an Alaskan Native mutant who had once used the name Kodiak Noatak, prior to becoming a Marauder for the thrill of the hunt. Harpoon’s ability enabled him to charge objects by touch with various forms of bio-energy and then projectile them to explode or disintegrate matter on contact. His weapon of choice was his namesake, which he wore a quiver of on his back. He slowly drew one and began to charge the five foot barbed harpoon with a blast of bio-energy.

Heroes For Hire: The Gang Wars Trilogy  Book 1: After MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now