chapter 11: On the Waterfront

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Ahead of Daredevil and Black Widow was the warehouse Johnny had spoken of. To their right was Pier 44. They could hear and smell the East River as it flowed through the darkness behind the pier. The streets were deserted. The side of the warehouse they approached from had a loading dock, complete with a long row of large sliding doors. They were all shut. At each end of the loading dock was a small door. Light shined through the windows on the small doors.

Peering in through a small door window, Black Widow's view was partially obscured by a stack of wooden crates. Neat rows of them ran the entire length of the warehouse. Several of the crates had been moved towards the center of the warehouse and were being used as a platform. Standing on the makeshift stage was a man in a costume. The costume had a skull-shaped gas-mask of jet black, and a long hooded jet black cloak went over that. Only combat boots could be seen beneath cloak. Black Widow knew that this had to be the mysterious Mister Fear. He appeared to be speaking to a group of people, but it was difficult to make out through the window.

"We've got our guy." Black Widow announced, ducking away from the window to confer with Daredevil.

"Can you see what's going on in there?" Daredevil asked.

"No...too many crates."

"Any idea how many?" Daredevil asked and gestured over to a row of neatly parked vans a few feet from the loading dock.

"I don't think there's very many." Black Widow answered. She then pulled a pin from her hair and slightly bent it with her teeth. After modifying it she stuck the pin into the keyhole to the small door to pick the mechanism. "But, let's go in and take a look around to make sure."

Daredevil used his special senses to listen for the tumbler in the locking mechanism as Black Widow attempted to pick it. He knew she had been successful before she had. When she pulled the door quietly ajar Daredevil slunk into the warehouse. Black Widow followed closely behind after closing the door as softly as she could. The two of them ducked into the shadows behind a row of large crates. They peered around the corner of their covering crate.

Standing before the platform was a small mob of street punks from various gangs. Daredevil recognized members of the Flashing Blades and Tommy Kent's own gang. On the stage was Mister Fear. His cloak thrown open to reveal his flowing jet black hair, and the full suit of kevlar and impact-resistant body armor he wore. A large strange looking pistol of unique design sat holstered on his hip, as well as strange viles of black and violet powder affixed to his belt. Mister Fear appeared to wear a very elaborate gas-mask per his costume as the eye slots lit up in changing colors and the mask augmented his voice and distorted it. To each side of him was a large wooden crate, different than the crates Daredevil and Black Widow hid behind. In an excited voice he yelled above the din, "I've had enough of the Maggia telling people where they can and can't operate! I've had enough of The Maggia using fear against us! I've had enough of Hammerhead, how about you?" the crowd responded by cheering and yelling threats against the Maggia.

When they quieted Mister Fear continued, "you've all been attacked by his monsters! You've all been frightened. I say this time we are the Faces Of Fear! I say this time we strike before he does!" with that said, he kicked open a nearby crate, spilling dozens of fully loaded and armed M-16 Assault rifles!

Moving as one the crowd rushed onto the stage. Mister Fear grabbed one of the rifles and fired a burst into the ceiling. Bullets ricocheted crazily, and the crowd fell back. With a look of satisfaction at the frightened faces of his men, Mister Fear shouted out. "Tomorrow Night we attack!"

Daredevil's hearing was assaulted with the sounds of more wooden crates being smashed open. All throughout the warehouse the crates labelled as engine parts for common vehicles were being opened to reveal a massive cache of military issue firearms. The small time and 2-bit gangsters frantically scrambled to get their hands on the lethal weapons. 12 assault rifles in each box, and each rifle equipped with a clip containing 20 rounds of ammunition, each round a potential death. The gangsters let out wild bursts of bullets or animalistic roars as they retrieved a weapon. Daredevil knew the immediate threat to civilians there would be if they allowed the weapons out in the hands of these dangerous criminals.

Heroes For Hire: The Gang Wars Trilogy  Book 1: After MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now