chapter 10: More big news

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At 6 am every Friday morning Peter Parker had tea and danishes with his elderly aunt May, just as he was that Friday. Peter had been raised by his Aunt and loved her very much as she was his only surviving family. So he kept up the tradition of friday breakfasts for as long as he could to cherish the wonderful woman. They sat serenely in the sun room of his May’s villa. Peter had paid for her to move into this new home but nearly had to force her to inhabit it as she still retained the will to be self-sufficient despite her age. May sipped tea and watched as Peter stuffed the last of his 5th danish into his mouth. The morning sun had just begun to peer into the Windows and refract onto the glass of the coffee table. May shifted slightly in her wicker seat. “You know, i saw the strangest thing when i took Posh on a walk before you got here this morning.” May announced referring to the small Pomeranian she had recently adopted to keep her company.

“oh yeah?” Peter inquired around the wad of dough in his mouth.

“Yes, dear, i walked around Washington Square and i saw that a bunch of police had shown up for some kind of disturbance.” May answered.

“Pretty early in the morning. Did you see what was going on?” Peter asked knowing his aunt had an eye for detail and was known as a nosy Nancy amongst the neighborhood.

“Well, they put two big fellas in a paddy wagon and they had the whole park taped off. I could see a bunch of holes in the ground and the turf was covered with what looked like a bunch of flour. I think some of those yuppies from the college were pulling a prank again!”

“hmmm. That's weird.” Peter commented as he thought on the message he left on the machines for the Heroes For Hire. Something strange was going on in New York and now it was getting close to his beloved Aunt's home.


From: Dr. Regina Warrows of Heroes For Hire client health agency
To: CEO Misty Knight of Heroes For Hire inc.
Subject: client Marc Spector
Through the extensive interviews i have recently had with the client the fist of Knoshu has appeared again in the form of his alternate identity Steven Grant. This therapist has worked with the identity of Steven Grant on two occasions now. Once while he thought himself to be living as Jake Lockley and in a brief moment where he was able to recall his true identity as Marc Spector and requested my services and he believed himself to still be institutionalized. For some reason his previous institution has restricted all but the most limited information on their care for the patient, making therapy nearly impossible. On top of that there seem to be indications of client mistreatment. After filing injunction for the requested materials for my client i had not heard from the Spector identity until now. As has been recorded and assessed extensively previously, the client admits to having continued  conversations with Knoshu the patron deity of his costumed identity who believed to have resurrected Marc Spector when he was seemingly killed by his former employer Bushman while they both served terms as mercenaries. On issues of religion, this writer does not make judgements on a client's belief up to and including their statements of godhood. This is the world we live in currently, and it seems increasingly difficult to decipher fact from fiction at first blush. Nonetheless the presence of Knoshu remains a disconcerting element in regards to the client’s psyche as it repeatedly suggests he engages in dangerous and cruel behavior, and mocks him if he fails or refuses to fulfill those requests. Real or no Knoshu retains an unsettling amount of problematic control over all of Marc’s other various identities. However, Knoshu may have to wait given the client's current concerns at this time. As made note of in the client's medical history, the string of multiple identities has taken their toll on the client. Others had diagnosed this as Dissociative identity disorder, but the client be he Spector, Lockley, Moon Knight, or Grant still does not fit the criteria for this exceptionally rare diagnosis. All this duly noted, this seems to be the most difficult time the client has had dissociating his identities from each other. Even worse he seems to be having delusions, placing alter egos into entirely fictional scenarios. Spector as the warrior facing the earth’s will against the moon, Jake Lockley as a more tragic hero being set up for the crimes committed by Marc Spector, and not only is he seemingly unable to tell who he is at any given time he also seems to be struggling with his reality testing when it comes to settings and events. In this morning's session Grant, as he insisted i call him, seemed both wired and exhausted si simultaneously would zone out for periods of time and speak rapidly, almost frantically at his other identities. Eye contact was erratic at best and borderline non-existent. He seems desperate for help from both this writer and your corporation as well as resentful. Keeping track of the course of dialogue was impossible. But when faced with reception or in my absence as i accepted a call in the lobby he seemed able to hold on to the moment as Marc Spector and be himself. This writer's hypothesis is, like the child who screams when his parents pick him up from a great day at daycare, Marc is barely able to hold back what is happening to him while in public. He has been given few opportunities to do so and what this writer has witnessed was inner turmoil running free. Given the volatility of the situation it doesn't seem the client will be able to continue at this level of functioning for much longer. That coupled with his violent behaviors and Knoshu’s influence could make the client very dangerous to the public without monitoring. At this point sessions will be continued and Spector has remained adamantly oppositional to pharmaceutical products and any form of hospitalization, which given his recent experiences is understandable. In the meantime i will continue to consult my colleagues and attempt to provide the best care possible for our shared client, Marc Spector. I hope you find this report adequate to your means, and thank you for your time.

Heroes For Hire: The Gang Wars Trilogy  Book 1: After MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now