chapter 12: Strange Headlines

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Marc Spector, Misty Knight, and Dr. Regina Wallows at breakfast together at the nearby diner once again. Marc had grown fond of their pancakes and buttery syrup. The two women spoke in hushed tones as Marc ate. He knew they spoke of him, but he did not care what they said. They were his only option of stopping the Night Shift and following through with Knoshu's will.

"Well, I mean, whether or not it's factual doesn't the fact that he believes it so strongly mean something?" Misty asked the doctor.

"That's exactly the point i am trying to make. What if he is only capable of doing these things he's done in the past was because he believed he do them?" the doctor agreed.

"But how is that possible?" Misty asked.

"Maybe..." the doctor paused for a second. "And i know how unprofessional this sounds from a therapeutic stand-point, but maybe his psychoses is what has been giving him these abilities. Like, maybe his unhealthy brain that we think is the problem is really a solution."

Marc mopped up a puddle of syrup with a swath of pancake and looked at the issue of The Daily Bugle that Misty had open. The tall Bird-skulled man pointed a long and taloned finger down onto the article Marc looked at.

The article read :
Corpses walk out of Morgue!
Late last night, NYPD responded to a series of frantic phone calls from the workers of the morgue in Bellevue Hospital.
According to the employees, over a dozen corpses opened their eyes, stood up and marched out of the building. The walking dead filed into a waiting van and were driven off. All of the witnesses have been admitted to Bellevue for psychiatric evaluation and questioning. The police have no further comment.


Misty Knight felt a vibration in her coat pocket and reached into it to withdraw her cell phone. Looking at the screen she saw that she had missed a call from the Met. She saw that a short voicemail had been left for her by the caller. She believed it may have been left by Maximilian Pride, the curator of the museum. Raising a single finger to Dr. Regina Wallows to ask her to wait momentarily, Misty listened to the voicemail.

"'s me, Felicia. Felicia Bifrost, I'm the curator's assistant here at the Met. I spoke to you about my brother. I was calling to ask if i could speak with you in person, it's kind of important. I'll be sitting in the park at The Obelisk near the Met when i get off work until about 7 tonight if you can please meet with me. Thank you, bye." The familiar voice of Felicia Bifrost whispered.


Later on in the afternoon Marc Spector had been left in the care of Natasha Romanov. He had requested to see Matt, but when he was dropped off at the apartment Matt was out at the Nelson & Murdock law offices while Natasha sat around in his apartment watching television. This temporary leave from S.H.I.E.L.D. Had really been beneficial for her.

Shortly after relieving Dr. Wallows of her patient Natasha noticed Marc speaking on Matt's landline telephone. "Yeah, Frenchie. It's me, Mr. Lockley." Marc said into the phone. Natasha eavesdropped for a moment. "And how many times could i have thought you were dead, mate? Look, I've got something going on. It's big and i need your help. Is there any money left over from Grant's 'Legend of Knoshu' movie? Good. Bring me that and my gear. Yeah."

Natasha walked up to Marc sitting in the couch talking on the phone. "You got the address already? That's why i love you, Frenchie." Marc hung up the phone and looked up at Natasha.
"Let's go bring flowers to people in the hospital."

Natasha just looked confusedly at the man. "Are you serious?" She asked.


As Natasha and Marc passed through the main entrance of Bellevue Hospital Marc saw a nurse's station down the corridor. Several nurses were standing behind the counter. Marc approached and asked to visit the patients who had claimed to witness the corpses leaving the morgue. Both he and Natasha held bouquets of flowers. Slightly surprised by his request, the head nurse said, "I'll have to page Dr. List, he's in charge if those patients." she lifted the receiver of an in-building phone line and spoke "Dr. List? Yes, this is Nurse Crandall, i have a couple reporter types who wanna speak with your special patients. Yes, doctor, ok."

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