Running expedition (I might lengthen this chapter)

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Thanks for the comments you guys... I'm doing my best to try an update, i'm really busy now, it's not like bare some patience with me :) here is another short chapter.

"Damnit Chel! move those damn legs like you mean it!"  scowled my self. Noah was really gaining on me, but i was determined to get away. "Noah I know you don't want me to get away, but i wanna see my man!" I yelled back. I was wasting breath, I know, but, i just had to let him know. 

I jumped over  a fence, almost sprained my ankle, but I managed to get away. "Good job Chelsea"...I casually walked to the door that was ahead of me, what the hell was I thinking?

Noah jumped the fence and landed perfectly on his two feet. My heart skipped a couple of beats, at first I was shocked, but then i got to my senses. I knocked on the door as hard as a could but no one answered. i bolted for the side of the house hoping to God that it wasn't a dead end. Thank God, it brought me to the front of the house.

My running expedition started again, this time, for the first time, I was really scared, he was really determined to catch me. I looked behind me again and I realized that Harry and Fred were also on the move. 

I ran down the street hoping to find someone, anyone, but for some reason no one was in sight. Strange...

"Where are the people in this place? What kind of neighbourhood is this?" I sighed but kept on running, finally, I was tired... they were stll chasing me, i bent a corner and right in front of me was a large bush  I hid in there.

Please don't be a smartass and look in the bushes I said to myself. Fred and Harry were huffing and puffing, so was I, but I stiffled myself. Noah looked unphased. Slowly Fred walked over to the bush i was hiding in. My heart rate quickened, but my breathing slowed down. 

He shifted the bush.

But thank goodness, he didn't see me, I let out a silent cry of relief.

I escaped. Now, the only thing is to come out when it's safe. So, I decided, that time would be the next day. I was very determined to not get caught again. 

Short I Know...ahahaha...kind of boring :/ ah's a chapter

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