Chapter Thirteen: Midnight Reenactment

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"Is it just me, or has this been the longest day of my life?" Jimmee asked.

"It's just you," Anna replied sarcastically.

Kaez sighed and shook her head. They didn't get it. Had they forgotten how long the days had been four years before? "You get used to it."

"I can't even remember this morning since I've been so concerned for survival," Sam realized. He slumped down against a tree. Dracomon laid his head on Sam's legs.

Anna sat down as well. "Today, Falcomon, Tsukaimon, Dracomon, Impmon, and Renamon have digivolved. We've met some Digimon with attitude that apparently want to kill us. Just another day in the life."

"I'm going to call Izzy and see if the portal's back up," Jimmee announced. He walked away with Gumdramon close in tow.

"Izzy?" Kaez questioned.

"DigiDestined," Anna replied simply. She realized that Renamon was asleep beside her. The red head looked to Dracomon, who was snoring from Sam's lap.

"I kind of think we should crash for the night," Kaez told her, reading Anna's mind.

"I agree," Anna nodded. She walked to Sam, who fell asleep on her shoulder rather quickly.

"Not yet," Jimmee said, voice full of disappointment. He walked closer before laying down on the grass. Gumdramon fell on him tiredly.

"There's more of them," Kaez then whispered. She remembered how there had only been eight Shadow Reigners.

"More of who?" Jimmee asked sleepily.

"Shadow Reigners. If there is really one after all of us, there should be four more," Kaez explained.

"And I think I know what to expect. The Shadow Reigners all follow a pattern: ultimate form-or something similar-of the original DigiDestined, but corrupted by darkness. We have yet to face the creatures of Hope, Reliability, Miracles, and...." Anna paused. "There are only eleven crests. Why are there twelve of us?"

"There's a crest of Light, right?" Kaez questioned.

"Yeah. Why?" Anna answered in confusion.

"Wouldn't there naturally be a Shadow Reigner of Darkness?" Kaez pointed out.

"You make a point," Anna agreed.

Jimmee's snores echoed across the area. Kaez sighed upon noticing he was in dream land. "We should follow his lead. Today was a long day."

Anna nodded. She eased Sam to the ground before laying next to Renamon. "Night."

"Night." Kaez settled in next to Gabumon, who had apparently slipped off to bed when no one was watching. She wrapped an arm around him before drifting into needed sleep.


A rustle awoke Kaez. She sat up. Gabumon's eyes opened drearily from next to her. "Is something wrong?"

"I...I heard something," Kaez whispered.

"Then let's go investigate," Gabumon suggested.

"You think we should?" Kaez had never seen Gabumon suggest something like this. Not since the night four years ago he became Garurumon....

"Why not?"

Kaez nodded. Seemed like solid enough logic. "Let's go."

Kaez crept away from the others, Gabumon close behind. He stepped on a twig, making a cracking noise.

"Crud," Kaez muttered.


The girl turned to see Anna sitting up. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. "What are you doing?"

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