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It is now Friday and I am getting ready for the game. I am wearing one of Noah's footy jerseys, with some black jeans, a high pony with purple and gold ribbon tied around and some purple and gold stripes on my cheeks.

I grab my keys and head out the door. JJ had been staying in one of the guest bedrooms so we thought we would just go together.

On the way there Noah texts me and tells me to meet him at the side of the school near the change rooms. Once we arrive I tell JJ to go and sit in the crowd but somewhere where he can leave easily. We say our goodbyes and part ways.

I head straight to where Noah said to meet. As soon as I turned the corner I saw him standing there waiting.

"Hey Noah"

"Hey beautiful"

I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes after he called me beautiful.

"You look amazing"

"Thank you"

We talked a little longer about a few things until the coach came out and told him to get ready.

"Good luck"

I gave him a quick peck on the cheeks and blew him a kiss before I turned around and left.

I joined JJ in the audience and watched until the game finished. Noah scored the winning goal which left the crowd cheering. Since our team won, normally when that happens there is a big party that will be held at whoevers turn it is to host.

Noah calls me down to the field and gives me a big hug. After a while he eventually sets me down on the ground and neels down on his knee.

" Aria will you go to the Formal with me?"


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