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I have three days until the plan. After school I decided to go home and clean up a bit since I am going to be leaving to go back home soon.

It has been just over two hours and I have done a lot of packing and cleaning. I sat down and grabbed the remote to look at some tv shows but none really seemed that interesting so I decided to get in the car and go to Bowen Village.

While I was there I thought I should call JJ and tell him about the good news.

"Hey JJ, how have you been?"

"Hi Elley, I'm good and the gang has been awesome. We all miss you though. Where are you now?"

"Why do you ask"

"Turn around"

"Aaaah, what are you doing here"

Behind me stood JJ wearing his normal uniform. He put his arms out and I ran and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"You didn't think I would miss my favourite niece break a boy's heart did you?"


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