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~ A week later ~

It has officially been a week since I left and since then I haven't felt anything it's like I am not really there and am just a walking body. I found a cheap hotel and found a job at a local cafe so that i can try and live a normal-ish life. After i hopped into the car i went to the gold coast and stayed by a park that my mum used to take me to when i was little. I looked up at the sky " I am so sorry, i never meant for you to die. It's all my fault. I love you!" i said and then let the darkness take me away.

Beep, Beep, Beep. ahhh i have to go to work soon. I hopped up and decided that I will go for a quick run. I put on a grey sports bra and matching leggings with some white Nike joggers to top it all off.

I had been running for a while when i noticed this sketchy looking dude following me so i started to speed up and stupidly hide in an alleyway corner. After a while I thought he had given up, but boy was I wrong.

There he stood in all his glory the same guy with the black hoodie but this time behind him stood three other muscular boys that looked kind of familiar until they all pulled their hoodies down and showed their faces. I was shocked, before me stood Noah and behind him Aiden, Lukas and Liam. After our little staring or should i say glaring contest they started to throw punches and kicks. I tried to fight them off but after a while i gave up and just took it because at the end of the day i knew that i deserved it for all of the things i have done.

The boys kept kicking me for a while until a black van came and honked which made them run toward the car and leave me all bloodied and bruised in the middle of the alleyway.

Work was boring like always, the only thing that was different was that every time i moved i had a sharp pain coming from my stomach, probably broke some ribs, but it's not like the first time i have been beaten up. When i slowly made my way home i tried my hardest to walk normally and act like everyone in my body had just been broken and bruised. I tried to cover up my bruises as best as I could, I got pretty good at it from past experiences.

The bell to signal that someone has walked in just went off shaking me from my thoughts. In came 4 middle age men who looked pretty scary with tattoos and scars all over their arms and faces. They sat in a booth at the back of the cafe and all eyes were on them. My manager came up to me and told me to go and take their orders, so I hesitantly walked over.

" Welcome to Masies, My name is Brielle and I will be your waitress this morning, what can I help you with today?" I said with a genuine smile on my face, even though I was in incredible pain. " Who did that to your face?" said the guy with the big muscles, olive green eyes that looked alot like my mothers and jet black hair in a forceful voice. " What?" I quickly picked up the napkin box and looked at my reflection and saw that most of my makeup was starting to rub off, "Excuse me" I said then ran to the staff room and told my manager that I didn't feel well and she let me go home, so i sprinted out the door and ran home as fast as i could with my stomach slowing me down.

Hey guys, I just wanted to say ham you for reading my book, it means so much to me! I hope you enjoy the next few chapters 💚

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