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Author's Pov; 3 Years Later

It's been three years and Sky have been working at a hotel for service. She was on her way to serve the last food before her shift ends. 

As she began to push the cart to the room, she felt  sharp pain in her heel, resulting a sprained ankle.

"Oww!" she whined in pained.

She shrugged it of before she continued to walk to the room. She knocked on the door, hearing a voice saying to 'come in.'

"Sir, you food's here-"

She stopped her sentence when she saw someone that she thought that she would never see again.

"K-kobe.." her knees tremble.

"Just leave the food here."

He acted like nothing happened.. Like they were just total strangers.

She looked down, sadness taking her over but she was not surprised. She broke him.. she deserved it.

"Well, enjoy your food- OW!" she winced in pain from her ankle.

Kobe shot his head up, watching her as she walked slowly to the door.

"What happened to your ankle?" he looked at her swollen ankle.

"Just a... tiny sprain."

"A tiny sprain? You're walking as if your leg got amputated.. Let me carry you," he stood up, getting closer to her.

"No, no, I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll just leave," she bowed to him.

Before she could leave, he lifted her in his arms bridal style as he spoke lowly..

"I wasn't asking."


As Kobe was icing Sky's ankle, she couldn't help but stare at his face.. It's been so long. 


"Your leg is fine, you can go now," he cut her off, standing up.

Her heart ached in pain... He still hates her very much. 

She stood up, making her way to the door, clenching the doorknob as she tried to suppress her tears.

"K-kobe, I'm sorry," she burst into tears, glancing back at him.

She could see the tears forming in his eyes to which hurt her even more. 

"It doesn't matter what you say to me now. I was done talking to you the moment you walked out that door 3 years ago," he spoke.

She turned to him, "You can hate me as much as you want Kobe. But if I was to get a second chance, I would do the same thing, just to keep you safe-" 
-She stopped when she realized what came out of her mouth.

"Safe? You wanted me to be.. safe?"

She looked down and nodded slowly..

"Sky, you could've just tell me. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because.. I couldn't stand that every time that I spend with you, you might be my last one! Kobe you were so kind to me. I-I can't loose you either. You're all that I had. So even if you hate me, so it be. But I just couldn't bare the burden of your blood trickle on the ground in exchange of mine," she cried.

Kobe got closer to her, wiping her cheeks, "Do you know how hard it was for me to hide how much I missed you? That in front of everyone I had to act like I was fine? I never hated you.. At all, not one bit."

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