Main 6 Getting Together

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Just some thoughts on how the Main 6 (DC, Florida, Loui, New York, Tex, Cali) got together, because heavens knows it wasn't all at the same time. There was no reason for me to write this much but here I am.

first up

Florida x Louisiana

~these two we're the first to start dating, but honestly neither of them could probably tell you When it happened

~It was one of those things where they were best friends and somewhere along the lines things turned more romantic. For the longest time neither of them wanted to explicitly ask because "what if I'm reading this wrong and mess things up"

~Even when they finally got to the same page it probably was less actual asking and more one of them (I feel like it was Florida) just deciding f it and just kissing the other. Both of them are more actions than words any way

~Approximately none of the other states were surprised to find out that yes, they are actually dating. How did the others find out? I feel like it was the casual addition of smooches to the normal physical affection they show each other

~These two absolutely do casual physical affection. This is something they've always done, and it is something that would eventually bleed over with the others when the whole polycule is formed.

California x New York

~No one is actually sure when this happened and neither Cali or New York are talking. No one  even realize the two were friends and now they're dating?

~I don't know what the exact lead up to them dating was like, but I Do know two things.

1) NY is a good listener and lets Cali just talk. about anything. frustration, anger, hyperfocuses, anything. And Cali the way he is isn't used to people actually Letting him talk let alone ramble without interruption. and when York responds in a way that shows not only was he letting him talk but actually listening? Cali is so happy. York might not understand the thing but the look of excitement on Cali's face makes it worth it

2) They will sometimes just sit together, no talking just enjoying each others company. Cali can usually tell when York isn't in the mood for talking and respects that, but he'll still sit with him so he's not alone. Usually they both are doing different activities, some times one will lean against the other, or just cuddle up to them

~Usually they chill in New York's room, occasionally Cali's but that's pretty rare. Being near the northeastern states might be a little on the loud side, but its better than the west where almost everyone (at the very least) dislikes Cali

~the biggest tip off to the other states was them finding the two on the couch together. Cali was passed out with his head in New York's lap while York had a soft smile on his face. No one bothered them though because as soon as they tried to say anything York gave the a death glare and they backed off.

~New York's brothers were just a lil angry to find out. Not because they dislike Cali (in fact, they're probably among the few states that actually are ok with him) but because "what the hell York? You didn't think to tell us?"

Texas x Florida x Louisiana

~This one took Took a hot minute, mostly because Texas was so closeted it was painful. And add to that the fact it's a triad? Boy didn't know What to do

~Texas has always been friends with the two of them, but once the two make it clear they're pursuing him he panics more than a little. And who is he going to talk to about it. Definitely not Florida and Loui. Not someone else from the south.

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