Californian Cowboy

463 17 2

Tw: talk of guns.

I like to imagine that, even though he doesn't care for guns and is very pro gun control California still has one from his wild west/gold rush days. He just can't bring himself to get rid of it for, probably nostalgia reasons.

He's very safe with, keeps it locked in a safe the majority of the time, but he does take it out to maintain and clean it every once in awhile.

On very, very, rare occasions he'll actually take it out to a range or something to use it. After they move into the statehouse these occasions become even more rare because there is absolutely no way he's letting the south find out about this, he'd never hear the end of it.

Potential Cal/Tex (or OT6) spin: Texas just insisting that Cali let him teach him how to use a gun because "what if you need to know someday" and California just. Pretends to go along with being "taught" until it comes time to actually use it and hits the target dead on each time. He gives a smirk at Texas' surprise and just. "You remember that I was a big place in the old west too, right?" a pause... "well... I sure do now."

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