Be More Chill (2)

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Someone stop me from making squip au

Obvs it wouldn't follow the actual bmc story but

-Florida in a Rich role: he's cool and chaotic now, but he's got anxiety and Trauma underneath that. Not that the squip helps with the latter.

-does that put Loui in a Jake role? Honestly I could also see Florida and Loui having a Jeremy and Michael thing. Florida being Jeremy, and Loui Michael

- but also,, Cali in a Jeremy role. I don't know who would be his Micheal if he even had one, but

And the his Squip making him repeat all that self-hate

Cali: is it like... drugs?
Florida: oh, it's Better than Drugs Cali

Also also, Cali singing Loser, Geek, Whatever

Who would their squips even look like?

Idk, this is more abstract than actually fleshed out but,,, I like it

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