It Doesn't Make You Weak

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Me, projecting my experience as a system onto the states with their cities? [Laughing] you betcha. I tried my best to explain things but it's hard to put it into words sometimes. Also, finished this at like, 3am and don't wanna proof read it. so we Out here

I feel I should preface this with, I don't hate any of the states, sometimes you just need a filler for an antagonist-esque character. Also I've only ever lived in one state, so I'm kinda bs-ing my way through things here lol


"We're gonna get you out of there, Austin."

That one sentence shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did. The implication that Austin didn't belong with him, that someone could -and would- take him away. For as much show as he put up to the other states, he really did care about Austin.

'You know I wouldn't let California take me away, right?' Austin says gently. Texas huffs slightly, but otherwise gives no response. 'I'm serious Tex. Even if it was a possibility - which it isn't - but if it was I wouldn't want to.'

Texas scoffs at that before responding mentally. He may be alone in his room, but no need to make the other states think he was talking to himself. 'Why wouldn't you? Why stay with me when you could just... leave. Join someone you actually fit in with, or heck, just be on your own. Wouldn't have me hovering or trying to keep you quiet.'

'We both know you hover because you care. You might be over-protective but that doesn't mean I want to leave you.' Austin gives him the impression of a soft smile. ' 'sides, who would take care of you if I wasn't here? Houston?"

That startled a laugh out of Texas and he can hear Austin's echoing laugh. Both of them loved Houston dearly, but they both knew that was not a role that he should try and fill.

'Seriously though...' Austin nudges Texas and then he gets the impression of him leaning with an arm around him. It held no candle to actual physical affection, but this was the best they had. 'Not getting rid of me anytime soon. Although... since we're on the topic...'

Already sensing where this was going, Texas rolls his eyes. 'Austin no. We've talked about this.'

'Oh, c'mooon Tex! One time won't hurt anything! It'll be like a test run - things go wrong, no harm done.'

'It really isn't a good idea.' He didn't even want to think of what the rest of the south would do to Austin, or the flack he would get over it. He had to be strong enough to stay in control; strong enough to protect his family.

There's a slight pause, then, 'It doesn't make you weak, you know.' Texas stiffens slightly. 'I'm serious. We're here for you. You're allowed to lean on us. Me, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, we're all here for you. You take a break, let me take over for a day. Please?'

He doesn't respond right away, pursing his lips and thinking. Then, he lets out a long-suffering sigh. 'Don't make me regret this Austin.' Austin beams in response but Texas continues, 'You get me if things start going sour, y'hear me? I don't care how much you think I need a break, I won't have you getting hurt.'

Austin's smile still glows when he responds, 'Course! It's gonna go great, you'll see.'

Texas groans and lays face down on his bed. 'Don't make me regret this...'


The next morning has Austin in the front seat. Alone. And wasn't that just new and exciting. He can sense Texas in their mindscape attempting to hover, but their brothers pull him further in. Austin sets to work picking out an outfit - Texas' red button up would suit him just fine - forgoing the hat, of course, before changing. As he exits Texas' room to get food he can't help the grin that spread across his face.

Today was going to be a good day, it had to be. One good day with him fronting wouldn't get rid of Texas' reluctance to let go of the front entirely, but hopefully, it would make some progress.

As he entered the kitchen and saw California, his excitement grew. He might not have agreed with Cali trying to "get him out of Texas" but that doesn't mean he wasn't happy he'd finally get to talk to him. Grin still on his face, he grabs a piece of fruit from the counter and approaches the state. He can sense Texas' apprehension, but that does nothing to stop him.

California looked up from his breakfast as the other approached, a confused look on his face before realization dawned. "Austin?"

Austin bounces slightly and beams, "Cali!"

He looks like he can't believe what he's seeing. "What are you doing here? Where's Texas?"

He continues bouncing on the balls of his feet, he couldn't help it, he was just so excited, "We convinced him to take a break!"

"And he... Let you take over?"

Ah, there it was. California sounds genuinely shocked. Austin nods, emphatically, "Mhm!" He doesn't elaborate however, as he takes a seat and begins to eat.

Slowly a conversation starts between the two; both choosing to ignore the odd looks they receive from the states that see them. Of course, they could only stay questioning looks so long.

"Texas, the heck are you doing?" Oklahoma. Of course. Austin wasn't about to let anything ruin his day, however he could feel Texas stirring in the mindscape. Best to handle this quickly.

There was a slight tensing in Austin's shoulders, but he kept his smile friendly. "'Fraid this is a case of mistaken identities. I'm actually Austin. You're Oklahoma, right?" He wasn't going to lie and say it was nice to meet him. Austin had played silent witness to the many times Oklahoma had seen fit to insult and fight with Texas with no prompting.

Oklahoma made a face. "Austin... ain't that Texas' capital? What, square head couldn't be bothered to grace us with his presence?"

Immediately Texas is trying to push himself into the front, but Austin manages to stay put. 'I can handle this Tex, trust me.' He can feel the uncertainty linger, but Tex backs off slightly. Austin turns towards Oklahoma and stands, smile falling from his face for the first time.

"I'm sorry, what was that Oklahoma? I could've sworn you just insulted Texas, but surely that can't be." Despite his lack of smile his tone is surprisingly upbeat. It's false. "I mean, I would've thought that even you could be smarter than that..." Oklahoma looks as though he's about to respond but Austin doesn't let him. "But I suppose not everyone can rise above their panhandles."

Austin can tell he has the eyes of the room now, but he doesn't care. He glances back at California, noting the shocked look on his face. Hopefully he would take this lesson and Austin wouldn't have to repeat it. He did care about Cali and want to be his friend, but some of the things he said to and about Texas would not be tolerated by Austin. He looks back to Oklahoma who looks equally shocked.

Austin raises a brow. "Nothing to say? I don't see why you're surprised. I'm part of Texas, you really think I'll stand by and let you insult him?"

That seems to shake Oklahoma out of his stupor. "But I thought he--" Austin cuts the state off, already knowing where that was going.

"Hates me? If you had more than a pea rattling around in that head of yours, maybe you woulda realized that I'm his capital. If he hated me that much, why wouldn't he change that?" When Oklahoma's eyes widen in realization, Austin knows he's won. "Insult my brother again, and you'll regret it. Ok, boomer?"

That startles a laugh out of Cali, even though he tries to cover it with a cough. When Oklahoma makes no move to say anything further Austin nods, "That's what I thought. Now, I'd like to go back to my conversation." He turns back to California, "Where was I?"

Oklahoma, wisely, chooses to leave. As California and Austin fall back into their conversation Austin can feel the pride radiating from Texas. The situation wasn't ideal for his first time out in a public setting like this, but hopefully he had proved to Texas that he wasn't going to fall apart over a bit of conflict. And showed Texas that the protection could go both ways. If his smile is a little brighter, who would be able to tell.

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