The Honey War

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Before you ask, yes, this was a Real Thing, and it's just... I couldn't make this up if I tried. I've held onto this information since my hetalia days, and I am about to inflict it upon yall

A quick rundown

Basically it was a territorial dispute over the Iowa-Missouri boarder that involved
- Missouri tax collectors attempting to collect in the disputed area and getting chased out by Iowan farmers with pitchforks
- Missouri chopping down some honeybee trees as "payment"
- Iowans getting Angry at this and getting drunk (of course)
- at some point during a conflict an iowa mob captures a Missouri sheriff and he gets incarcerated
- both sides called in militias
- this is from the wiki page

Basically it was a territorial dispute over the Iowa-Missouri boarder that involved- Missouri tax collectors attempting to collect in the disputed area and getting chased out by Iowan farmers with pitchforks- Missouri chopping down some honeybee t...

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Can you even Imagine what this would've looked like? Just Iowa showing up with a sword like "heard you were starting shit?"

And despite the weaponry, the fight never actually gets physical. But boy did it get loud. Iowa and Missouri end up taking it to the government. (Things are in Iowa's favor, he ends up winning the dispute)

I imagine this would've been like, the first time DC even Met Iowa. This was before he was even a state. DC's first impression of Iowa is him holding a sword that has probably never been used/ hasn't been used in Years, having a screaming match with Missouri.

On another note, in wnr 5/15 Kansas shows up with a bat talking about the guy who wanted to have sword fight with his ex over a custody dispute... imagine that scene with the context of this "war" and it almost seems more like he's giving Iowa shit than actually wanting to fight.

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